On 12 Jul 2005, at 06:11, Leendert van Doorn wrote:
> As part of eating your own dog food I tend to do Xen development and
> testing
> on the same box. Since a week or so I''ve been seeing a lot of make
> clock
> skew detected warnings. Especially after I run some Xen intensive
> workloads
> (for example, graphics from a VT domain to ioemu in dom0 which
> generates a
> lot of I/O requests). Anyone else seeing this?
Where do the timestamps that are in the future originate from? (i.e.,
is time going backwards on a single box, perhaps across reboot, or is
it just significantly lagging behind the clocks on some other boxes on
your network, perhaps because of ntp problems?).
-- Keir
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