I have find something...
I used the simpleIndex.php
I have declared this two value:
$_SERVER['argv'][0] = "/var/lib/omega/data/default";
$_SERVER['argv'][1] = "/var/lib/omega/data/default";
This is the error message
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message
'DatabaseOpeningError: Cannot create directory
`/var/lib/omega/data/default'' in /var/www/xapian/xapian.php:1059 Stack
trace: #0 /var/www/xapian/xapian.php(1059):
new_writabledatabase('/var/lib/omega/...', 1) #1
XapianWritableDatabase->__construct('/var/lib/omega/...', 1) #2
thrown in /var/www/xapian/xapian.php on line 1059
What I need to do?
Thanks for your answer...
>From: "iX Gamerz" <ixgamerz@hotmail.com>
>To: xapian-discuss@lists.xapian.org
>Subject: [Xapian-discuss] PHP5 example don't understand
>Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 09:37:38 +0000
>I have tested the php5 examples find to this adress :
>Phpinfo() give this information:
>Xapian Support enabled
>Xapian Compiled Version 0.9.9
>Xapian Linked Version 0.9.9
>but the only result, I've got is:
>usage: [-- ]
>I try to display $_SERVER['argv'] variable, but seem to be empty...
>I don't understand how to use it.
>Can you help me please...
>Best regards
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