On Mon, Nov 20, 2006 at 04:39:26PM -0500, Joachim Martin
wrote:> I have successfully built the java bindings under cygwin.
> When I run SmokeTest.java, or my own application that uses
> xapian_jni.jar, it just hangs at the first xapian API call.
> The compile went fine, but I had to copy cygxapian-13.dll into
> java/build and rename cygxapian-jni.dll to xapian-jni.dll to get it to run.
Removing the "cyg" prefix sounds dodgy, though I'm no cygwin
I wonder if you might have more success if you use -mno-cygwin
(which essentially builds for mingw). It should work to just configure
./configure CXX="g++ -mno-cygwin"
> Has anyone successfully compiled and run xapian-java under cygwin?
If they have, I've not heard about it.