On Tue, Nov 07, 2006 at 06:27:28PM +0000, Rafael SDM Sierra
wrote:> While I'm trying the remote database I found one problem: performance
> While with local database I can insert "infinites" document per
second, with
> remote database the average is 5, and I'm using my own ip to test it,
> same machine, then I think:
> 1 - The problem is with my network
Try using "" as the IP address to ensure you're using the
loopback interface. That eliminates any effect from the network
itself (though the TCP stack is still involved).
> 2 - The problem is with the serializator of xapian
> 3 - The problem is with the xapian-tcpsrv in some place
It's quite possible that either of these are at fault - I've not
done any profiling work in remote writing yet.
Another thing to try is using xapian-progsrv instead of xapian-tcpsrv.
That will still be serialising documents and using the same remote
protocol, but across a pipe instead of a TCP socket.
If we can work out where the overhead is coming from, it'll be much
easier to address it.
> 4 - There are no problems, it's right
It's inevitably going to be slower to add documents to a remote
database, but 5 per second sounds much too slow to me, especially
as it's nowhere near as slow for a local database.