Afternoon All,
I have set up a second index, using scriptindex, with the prefix of XDESC.
I can see the words when I use the bit of code Olly provided (cheers!) to see
the term frequencys, and they start with:
XDESC:R (I lowercased them all)
Now if I run a search on omega with the following:
XDESCtastefully I get zero results..when tastefully has 1000+ matches.
Or XDESC:tastefully..etc.
What am I doing wrong?
I have also tried it through my basic PHP bindings code just passing it through:
$database = new_Database("/home2/omega/boris2");
$enquire = new_Enquire($database);
$stemmer = new_stem ("english");
$query_parser = new_queryparser();
queryparser_set_stemmer ($query_parser, $stemmer);
queryparser_set_stemming_strategy ($query_parser, 1);
queryparser_set_database ($query_parser, $database);
$query = queryparser_parse_query ($query_parser, "XDESCtastefully");
I am missing something I know...someone point me in the right direction.
Oh I am using flint now, halfed the size of my normally database, and my new
larger DB with description as an index is only 1.6 gig in size which is nice.
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