Eric B. Ridge
2004-Jun-17 01:24 UTC
[Xapian-discuss] Threaded test (in C++) to reproduce our database problems
> This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understandthis format, some or all of this message may not be legible. --B_3170265892_25193571 Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Okay, we finally broke down and write a quickie threaded test in C++ to reproduce the database problems we've been having. On my dual-processor Mac running OS X, this test fails every time. The code is below, and should be fairly straight forward. 1 writer thread that constantly add's documents to a Xapian::WritableDatabase, and a bunch of reader threads that execute queries. Ignoring the lack of synchronization around stderr/stdout, here's the output: -------------------------------------------- $ ./build/xapian_threads Writer: flush() Reader: started RRReeeaaadddeeerrrs:: ssstttaaarrrttteeeddd Reader: ERROR=Error reading all bytes: Bad file descriptor (fd=7) Reader: ERROR=Error reading block 40: Bad file descriptor (fd=5) Writer: flush() Reader: ERROR=Db block overwritten Writer: ERROR=Db block overwritten Writer thread unexpectedly exited... -------------------------------------------- So you can see, our reader threads bomb out, then the writer thread dies too. :( Any ideas? We wrote this little C++ test pretty quickly (could be buggy), but it reproduces what we're seeing from the Java-side. eric --B_3170265892_25193571 Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="xapian_threads.cpp" Content-disposition: attachment; filename="xapian_threads.cpp" Content-transfer-encoding: base64 I2luY2x1ZGUgPHhhcGlhbi5oPgojaW5jbHVkZSA8cHRocmVhZC5oPgojaW5jbHVkZSA8dW5p c3RkLmg+CiNpbmNsdWRlIDxpb3N0cmVhbT4KI2luY2x1ZGUgInhhcGlhbl90aHJlYWRzLmgi CgojZGVmaW5lIERBVEFCQVNFICIvdG1wL3hhcGlhbl90aHJlYWRzLmRiIgojZGVmaW5lIE1B WF9USFJFQURTIDMKCnVzaW5nIG5hbWVzcGFjZSBzdGQ7CgpwdGhyZWFkX3QgX3dyaXRlcjsK cHRocmVhZF90IF9yZWFkZXJzW01BWF9USFJFQURTXTsKCnZvaWQgZG9fd3JpdGVzKCkgewog ICAgdW5saW5rKERBVEFCQVNFIi9kYl9sb2NrIik7CglYYXBpYW46OldyaXRhYmxlRGF0YWJh c2UgZGIgPSBYYXBpYW46OkF1dG86Om9wZW4oREFUQUJBU0UsIFhhcGlhbjo6REJfQ1JFQVRF X09SX09WRVJXUklURSk7CgljaGFyICpybmQgPSAoY2hhciAqKSBtYWxsb2MoMjU1KTsKCW1l bXNldChybmQsIDAsIDI1NSk7Cglsb25nIGNudCA9IDA7CgkKCXRyeSB7CgkJLy8gZW5kbGVz c2x5IGFkZCBhIDIwMDAgdGVybSBkb2N1bWVudCB0byB0aGUgZGF0YWJhc2UKCQl3aGlsZSAo dHJ1ZSkgewoJCQlYYXBpYW46OkRvY3VtZW50IGRvYzsKCQkJaW50IGk9MDsKCgkJCWZvciAo OyBpPDEwMDA7IGkrKykgewoJCQkJZG9jLmFkZF9wb3N0aW5nKCJyYW5kb20iLCBpKTsKCgkJ CQlzcHJpbnRmKHJuZCwgIiVkIiwgcmFuZCgpKTsKCQkJCWRvYy5hZGRfcG9zdGluZyhybmQs IGkpOwoJCQl9CgkJCgkJCWRiLmFkZF9kb2N1bWVudChkb2MpOwoJCQkKCQkJaWYgKCsrY250 ICUgMTAgPT0gMCkgewoJCQkJLy8gZmx1c2ggZXZlcnkgMTAgZG9jdW1lbnRzCgkJCQlkYi5m bHVzaCgpOwoJCQkJY291dCA8PCAiV3JpdGVyOiAgZmx1c2goKSIgPDwgZW5kbDsKCQkJfQoJ CX0KCX0gY2F0Y2ggKFhhcGlhbjo6RXJyb3IgJmVycikgewoJCWNlcnIgPDwgIldyaXRlcjog IEVSUk9SPSIgPDwgZXJyLmdldF9tc2coKSA8PCBlbmRsOwoJfQoJY2VyciA8PCAiV3JpdGVy IHRocmVhZCB1bmV4cGVjdGVkbHkgZXhpdGVkLi4uIiA8PCBlbmRsOwoJcHRocmVhZF9leGl0 KE5VTEwpOwp9Cgp2b2lkIGRvX3JlYWRzKCkgewoJY291dCA8PCAiUmVhZGVyOiBzdGFydGVk IiA8PCBlbmRsOwoJdHJ5IHsKCQkvLyBjcmVhdGUgdGhlIHJlYWRlciBkYXRhYmFzZSBvbmNl CgkJLy8gYW5kIGNvbnRpbnVlIHRvIHF1ZXJ5IGl0LgoJCVhhcGlhbjo6RGF0YWJhc2UgZGIg PSBYYXBpYW46OkF1dG86Om9wZW4oREFUQUJBU0UpOwoJCQoJCXdoaWxlICh0cnVlKSB7CgkJ CS8vIE5PVEU6ICBDcmVhdGluZyB0aGUgZGF0YWJhc2UgaGVyZSBjYXVzZXMgdGhlIHRlc3QK CQkJLy8gdG8gZmFpbCB0b28sIGJ1dCBpbiBkaWZmZXJlbnQgYW5kIG15c3RlcmlvdXMgd2F5 cwoJCQlYYXBpYW46OkVucXVpcmUgZW5xKGRiKTsKCQkJWGFwaWFuOjpRdWVyeSBxdWVyeSgi cmFuZG9tIik7CgkJCVhhcGlhbjo6TVNldCBzZXQ7CgkJCQoJCQllbnEuc2V0X3F1ZXJ5KHF1 ZXJ5KTsKCQkJc2V0ID0gZW5xLmdldF9tc2V0KDAsIDI1MDApOwoJCQkKCQkJLy8gd2FsayB0 aGUgcmVzdWx0cyB0byBleGVyY2l6ZSB0aGUgbXNldCBpdGVyYXRvcgoJCQlmb3IgKFhhcGlh bjo6TVNldEl0ZXJhdG9yIGkgPSBzZXQuYmVnaW4oKTsgaSAhPSBzZXQuZW5kKCk7ICsraSk7 CgkJfQoJfSBjYXRjaCAoWGFwaWFuOjpFcnJvciAmZXJyKSB7CgkJY2VyciA8PCAiUmVhZGVy OiAgRVJST1I9IiA8PCBlcnIuZ2V0X21zZygpIDw8IGVuZGw7Cgl9CgkKCXB0aHJlYWRfZXhp dChOVUxMKTsKfQoKdm9pZCBzZXR1cF93cml0ZXJfdGhyZWFkKCkgewoJcHRocmVhZF9jcmVh dGUoJl93cml0ZXIsIE5VTEwsIGRvX3dyaXRlcywgTlVMTCk7Cn0KCnZvaWQgc2V0dXBfcmVh ZGVyX3RocmVhZHMoKSB7CglpbnQgaSA9IDA7CgkKCWZvciAoOyBpPE1BWF9USFJFQURTOyBp KyspIHsKCQlpbnQgc3VjY2VzcyA9IHB0aHJlYWRfY3JlYXRlKCYoX3JlYWRlcnNbaV0pLCBO VUxMLCBkb19yZWFkcywgTlVMTCkgPT0gMDsKCQkKCQlpZiAoIXN1Y2Nlc3MpIHsKCQkJY2Vy ciA8PCAic2V0dXBfcmVhZGVyX3RocmVhZHM6ICBDb3VsZCBub3QgY3JlYXRlIHRocmVhZCAj IiA8PCBpIDw8IGVuZGw7CgkJfQoJfQp9CgppbnQgbWFpbihpbnQgYXJndiwgY2hhciAqKmFy Z2MpIHsKCWludCBpID0gMDsKCQoJc2V0dXBfd3JpdGVyX3RocmVhZCgpOwoJLy8gbGV0IHRo ZSB3cml0ZXIgdGhyZWFkIGdldCBnb2luZyBiZWZvcmUgCgkvLyB3ZSBzdGFydCBhIGJ1bmNo IG9mIHJlYWRlcnMKCXNsZWVwKDIpOyAgIAoJCgkKCXNldHVwX3JlYWRlcl90aHJlYWRzKCk7 Cgljb3V0IDw8ICJSZWFkZXJzIHN0YXJ0ZWQiIDw8IGVuZGw7CgkKCS8vIHNpdCBhbmQgd2Fp dCBmb3IgZXZlcnl0aGluZyB0byBmaW5pc2gKCS8vIGluIGEgcGVyZmVjdCB3b3JsZCwgdGhl eSdsbCBuZXZlciBmaW5pc2gKCXB0aHJlYWRfam9pbihfd3JpdGVyLCBOVUxMKTsJCglmb3Ig KDsgaTxNQVhfVEhSRUFEUzsgaSsrKSB7CgkJcHRocmVhZF9qb2luKF9yZWFkZXJzW2ldLCBO VUxMKTsKCX0KCQoJcmV0dXJuIDA7Cn0KCg= --B_3170265892_25193571--
Olly Betts
2004-Jun-17 01:43 UTC
[Xapian-discuss] Threaded test (in C++) to reproduce our database problems
On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 09:24:50PM -0400, Eric B. Ridge wrote:> Okay, we finally broke down and write a quickie threaded test in C++ to > reproduce the database problems we've been having. On my dual-processor Mac > running OS X, this test fails every time. > > The code is below, and should be fairly straight forward. 1 writer thread > that constantly add's documents to a Xapian::WritableDatabase, and a bunch > of reader threads that execute queries.Great - this should be very helpful.> Reader: ERROR=Error reading all bytes: Bad file descriptor (fd=7)That's very odd. That's either a Btree base file, or the meta file.> Reader: ERROR=Error reading block 40: Bad file descriptor (fd=5)And a DB file this time.> Writer: flush() > Reader: ERROR=Db block overwrittenThat's less odd. After the writer has flushed twice, readers will get this exception - they need to call reopen() and restart the operation.> Writer: ERROR=Db block overwrittenBut the writer thread shouldn't get this unless there's another writer.> Any ideas? We wrote this little C++ test pretty quickly (could be buggy), > but it reproduces what we're seeing from the Java-side.I can't see anything wrong from a quick read through. I'm right in the middle of something right now, but I'll give this a whirl in the next day or so. Cheers, Olly
Eric Ridge
2004-Jun-17 12:42 UTC
[Xapian-discuss] Threaded test (in C++) to reproduce our database problems
Compiling now. I'll report back in a few. Been up all night dealing with a (scheduled) power-outage in our datacenter. Always fun to see which servers won't boot. Hopefully, CVS HEAD will fix this, but as another data-point: The test (poorly written as it is) also fails on our test Gentoo system, which is a dual processor hyperthreaded Xeon, running the 2.6.6 Linux kernel. So it ain't just my Mac. As an aside, is it necessary to compile Xapian with -pthread or -lpthread or -D_REENTRANT or -D_THREAD_SAFE or something? My thinking is no, but I'm just a novice when it comes to pthreads. I really appreciate the time y'all have spent looking into this. A welcomed surprise when power came back on! eric -----Original Message----- From: Olly Betts [] Sent: Thu 6/17/2004 8:28 AM To: Cc:=09 Subject: Re: [Xapian-discuss] Threaded test (in C++) to reproduce our database problems On Thu, Jun 17, 2004 at 12:52:36PM +0100, Olly Betts wrote:> On Thu, Jun 17, 2004 at 12:25:48PM +0100, Olly Betts wrote: > > OK, I can reproduce this with vanilla 0.8.0, on x86 using 2.4.24. It's > > a 4 CPU box - perhaps that makes a difference, or maybe CVS HEAD fixes > > it. That's my next thing to try. >=20 > Still happens with CVS HEAD.Actually, the dynamic linker was picking up the wrong version of the shared library. It looks like CVS HEAD fixes this. Eric - can you try a CVS snapshot, and let us know if that fixes this. You can get them from: Cheers, Olly _______________________________________________ Xapian-discuss mailing list