Svend Haugaard S?rensen wrote:> Does wxruby change the behavior of to_s for float ?
> If I run this little program
> a = [1.23,4.56,7.89]
> puts a.join('' '')
> I get the following output
> 1.23 4.56 7.89
> As your would expect, but if I add it to a program that uses wxruby the
> output is
> 1,23 4,56 7,89
> According to danish grammar(I am from Denmark) this is the correct way
> to write numbers but this charge mess with all data files I write.
Interesting. wxRuby itself doesn''t do anything to alter the behaviour
Float#to_s. The wxRuby library doesn''t change or extend any of
standard classes; we consider that bad behaviour for a library.
What''s happening is that wxWidgets somewhere is calling the C setlocale
function - I can''t quite pin it down in the Wx source at the moment.
This affects the way that the C sprintf (and also strftime) functions
work. Ruby calls these under the hood to implement methods like
Float#to_s and DateTime#strftime.
I see something similar to you. In my locale (en_GB) our standard way of
writing dates is DD/MM/YY (today is 24/08/2008), whereas in the US,
people write months MM/DD/YY (today would be 08/24/2008). When I change
wxRuby''s locale to be en_GB, it also affects the way that Ruby methods
like Time.now.strftime(''%x'') work.> How can I change it back to the original form ?
The easiest way is probably to explicitly switch to en_US locale in the
startup of your wxRuby application:
See the documentation
Examples of using Wx::Locale can be found in one of the tests: