Hey All,
Wonderful news, I finally got around to implementing a Sockets library
for wxRuby. It''s not as spiffy as wxWidget''s implementation,
but has
the basics so far, to send and receive data. So far, I''ve converted
Server over to the new method, the client will be next, and it does
depend on the new addition I submitted to the SVN for 1414, which adds
Wx::App#init_threaded_mode(), and such. But the new example is _/A
LOT/_ easier to follow, since everything except the parse_message()
methods are in a single Method, on_server() and on_client(). It still
uses /SOME/ of the API that wxWidgets has, as far as returning
SOCKET_NOERROR, SOCKET_INVSOCK, and SocketEvent created with
evt_socket() as the catch method for this event. As soon as I have the
client put together, and tested wxClient and wxServer on Linux, and
check it into the SVN, so that Alex and Sean Long can look over it, and
test it out on their systems, we may finally have something worth while
here, that will put us one up on other GUI libraries. *feels very evil
and good at the same time* My plans for world domination is coming to
fruitation. Muhahahahahahaaaaaa
*goes back to work*
Mario Steele