Wine (1.1.20) Notepad uses/generates <LF> as the line break and Windows (XP) Notepad uses <CR><LF>. Is the goal of the Wine Notepad to duplicate the behavior of the Windows version? If so, then I would say this is a bug.
On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 11:31 AM, billstei <wineforum-user at> wrote:> Wine (1.1.20) Notepad uses/generates <LF> as the line break and Windows (XP) Notepad uses <CR><LF>. ?Is the goal of the Wine Notepad to duplicate the behavior of the Windows version? ?If so, then I would say this is a bug.Shows CR+LF here. -- -Austin
Okay my bad, I see CR-LF now with Wine 1.1.20 when the file is New in Notepad. Wine Notepad will tolerate LF-only in a loaded file, and saves it LF-only if you re-save, however any (and only) new line breaks inserted are then CR-LF, which then saving produces a mix of both line break types in the file. I did not test this specific behavior in Windows Notepad.