I don't have a resolution, but I can help steer you into the right
Keystroke in video games are different than those used in notepad because
they talk to the hardware differently.
Notepad uses the operating system's "buffer", where videogames
talk directly
to the hardware. An example of this is if you strafe left in counterstrike,
you begin moving immediately to one direction with no lag. However, if you
hold that same key down in notepad, it only draws one character. A moment
later it begins drawing subsequent characters at a "type-a-matic"
thats in your bios.
So that said, in the windows world, this is called "DirectInput" and
is part
of DirectX. Wine maps linux keyboard calls directly to windows games
bypassing the need for DirectX to be installed.
So to accurately test the issue, try installing a non-wine game and see if
the behavior exists. A good candidate is "neverball". If you're
using a
debian/ubuntu based distro try: sudo apt-get install neverball.
Let me know if this helps!
On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 10:33 AM, Nikitis <wineforum-user at>
> Here is my system
> Fedora 10
> Avant Stellar Keyboard (uses Northgate Omnikey 101 layout)
> wine 1.1.14, 1.1.15, and 1.1.16
> Problem:
> While in game, doesn't matter which, I've tried this with World of
> Warcraft, and Counter-strike. I have a problem with keystrokes registering
> 2 keystrokes behind.
> Example: While typing in game if I type the word "Anyone" the
'A' and 'n'
> do not show up, but when I get to the 'y' the 'A' shows up,
and when I get
> to the 'o' the first 'n' shows up. This is with text.
> Example2: Say i'm moving around in WoW or in Counter-strike. I decide
> hit the 'a' keystroke nothing happens, but when I hit 'a' a
second time, the
> characters turn, but keep turning even after I let go of the 'a'
key. and
> it doesn't stop.
> Example3: If I were to hit 'a' to turn left, but then hit
'd' to turn
> right, nothing happens. It only seems to turn once hit twice, and this is
> the same with all keys, not just turn direction. If I hit 'esc'
the menu
> should come up. Nothing happens, but if I hit it twice it comes up.
> However, if i'm stuck in the turn loop by hitting 'a' twice, i
> have to hit 'esc' multiple times in order to the the menu up.
> My guesses: They are just guesses, but it seems to be something to do with
> a buffering of keystrokes or something. Take this with a grain of salt.
> What works: Everything except for games played in Wine. Notepad even
> seems to work properly. Also, i typed this entry into the forums on the
> same keyboard, everything in Fedora works. Just the games in Wine do not.
> Please help me if you can. I do not wish to have to downgrade to windows
> to play my games. ;(
- Tres.Finocchiaro at
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