Pseudo_Bob wrote:> So I have Guild Wars and World of Warcraft installed and running on Windows
on my computer. I just got Wine (and Ubuntu, for that matter,) running on the
computer, and I was hoping there was a way to access the files in windows so I
wouldn't have to take up twice the disk space on my hard drive. Can anyone
tell me how to do this (if it's possible)?
I've done it in the past with very few problems. Basically all you need
to do is set your Windows partition to automount in fstab (if you don't
have it set already), then define a drive letter that points to the path
of the application.
Many apps can usually then just be run by executing Wine with that
path. But, sometimes, you may have to run the installer again in Linux,
to create missing registry entries. Be sure to point the install path
to the drive letter you mapped to the existing application, so you're
basically just installing "over" the existing Windows install.
Be sure to have a backup before trying anything, lest the
installer/patcher fail on Linux and corrupt your working Windows install!