I'm trying to run an antenna simulation program - the demo version of EZNEC - on Debian unstable with the winehq build of Wine. When I try to start the program, I get the message "Run-time error '440': Automation error". I've installed DCOM98 and vbrun60sp5 before EZNEC. I've seen reports that others have managed to make EZNEC run under wine. Is there something else I should install first? Is there a way to debug this? stderr messages: fixme:vxd:VXD_Open Unknown/unsupported VxD L"sice.vxd". Try setting Windows version to 'nt40' or 'win31'. fixme:ole:CoRegisterMessageFilter stub fixme:ole:OLEFontImpl_Invoke property put for Size with vt 5 unsupported! fixme:ole:OLEFontImpl_Invoke property put for Size with vt 4 unsupported! fixme:ole:OLEFontImpl_Invoke property put for Size with vt 4 unsupported! fixme:variant:VarCmp VarCmp partial implementation, doesn't support vt 0x8 / 0x0fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint tried to find connection point on {33ad4ed2-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}? fixme:ole:CoRegisterMessageFilter stub Regards Jon