Are you by any chance trying to install the application from a web page,
by clicking on the link and selecting "Open with->Wine"? If
you're not
doing this already, try downloading the file somewhere, and then cd to
that directory and run it from a command line.
On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Denis wrote:
> Hello Everybody!
> We are trying to migrate our workstations from Ms-Windows To Linux but
> we have some aplications developed here that depends of Ms Windows so
> I'm trying to use WINE to solve this problem.
> but trying to install one application inside Wine I got this pop up error:
> "The system could not locate the file
> 'X:\msftqws.pdw\ST6UNST.EXE'".
> 'X:\' is a mapping drive for the Temp folder.
> the X: drive is a map to my /tmp folder.
> I'll apPreciate any help.
> TNX,
> Denis.
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