Am Do, Jun 30, 2005 at 10:13:04 +0000 schrieb icebox:> Hi, I am having a problem with menus in DvdLab. (
> The application has the xp kind of menus with white background. I don't
> have any other applications with menus like that, but my guess is that
> it would happend the same with others. The problem is that the menu
> opens white and only when I move the mouse over it the text appears.
> (I have a screenshot at )
> I am running wine 20041019 with IE, DCOM and other libraries installed
> by WineTools) and fake windows. DvdLab is 1.53 Pro. Note that I don't
> get absolutely no errors on the console.
Tried this very shortly and got the same effekt. As I could see, the
menus are readable after the first concact with the mouse, so the
program seems to be usable.
Did you have any other problems with this software or does it otherwise
Joachim von Thadden
"Never touch a running system! Never run a touching system?
Never run a touchy system!!!"