When I run MesNews newsreader I get the following warning: You need to install the Mozilla ActiveX control to use Wine's builtin CLSID_WebBrowser from SHDOCVW.DLL and then a long list of: fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 4098 (SPI_GETMENUANIMATION) fixme:hook:NotifyWinEvent (6,0x20028,-4,0)-stub! fixme:hook:NotifyWinEvent (7,0x20028,-4,0)-stub! fixme:hook:NotifyWinEvent (32773,0x10050,-4,8)-stub! fixme:hook:NotifyWinEvent (32773,0x10050,-4,7)-stub! fixme:hook:NotifyWinEvent (32773,0x10050,-4,7)-stub! fixme:hook:NotifyWinEvent (5,0x10050,-4,0)-stub! fixme:hook:NotifyWinEvent (4,0x10050,-4,0)-stub! fixme:hook:NotifyWinEvent (32773,0x10050,-4,7)-stub! fixme:hook:NotifyWinEvent (32773,0x10050,-4,7)-stub! fixme:hook:NotifyWinEvent (5,0x10050,-4,0)-stub! fixme:hook:NotifyWinEvent (4,0x10050,-4,0)-stub! fixme:hook:NotifyWinEvent (32773,0x10050,-4,6)-stub! when clicking on a menu. Where can I find such Mozilla ActiveX? Should I install Mozilla web-browser (I hope not!)? -- ___ _ | ICQ: 99644516 | _ (_)_ _ ___ | | _/ | ' \/ _ \ | PGP key fingerprint: |_| |_|_||_\___/ | 0B6D CA29 72A5 7F36 0343 72E2 ECDA B516 8747 C639