Oops, inadvertently deleted by the moderator :-( From Lars Bungum: I need administrator rights to install a program (Sticos) that I would like to run via wine on a FreeBSD machine. However, the installer fails as it lacks administrator privileges. I'll put the output from wine --debugmsg +relay setup.exe here: http://lb.cl.no/winedebugmsgrelay.log.bz2 Is there a way to get around this? -- Mvh. Lars Bungum <lb@cl.no> <OpenPGP: E2C5C0A2> Copyleft Software AS Telefon : +47 22 71 67 00 Telefaks : +47 92 17 58 13 Mobiltelefon : +47 92 04 61 35 Organisasjonsnummer: 982 116 252