Hi, I'm running FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT and Wine 20031212, playing the Windows demo of TreadMarks - a 3D OpenGL tank racing/combat game (http://www.treadmarks.com). The single player mode plays amazingly fast (almost too fast!). When I join a network game against my brother who runs Windows, the game becomes jerky so that the game isn't playable... but just on my end. When my brother connects to me, then the game becomes jerky for him, and not me. Hopefully you know what I mean by "jerky"! :) I've tested this against Windows 2000/XP and FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE/5.1-RELEASE/5.2, with Wine 20031212, and two previous releases of Wine. All combinations gave the same results. Has anyone else had a similar problem before... or perhaps played this game under Wine? James