Hi, I am a newbie to Linux. From a message apeared on the list, I figured out there is a tool called wine-desktop. Where can I download from? Thanks a lot, Norbert
Wine desktop isn't a tool, it just means that you run a program inside a fake windows desktop. Basically you have a linux window, with the program inside it as a windows window. You can set a specific program to work like this, or you can set wine to run all programs to run like this. You can do this with a tool called winesetuptk, you can get it at this page: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6241 The exact link to download winesetuptk is http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/winesetuptk-0.7.i586.rpm?download
Hi, Wine came with kde for knoppix, i thought i'd give it a go again, because it has never worked for me. I installed SQLyog a mysql manager, it installed fine, but when i go to run it it cashes, without telling me whats going on, sometimes it gets in, but when i goto make a connection it bails on me. So far nothing has ever worked for me, i would like to get dreamweaver,photoshop and flash running on this if possible, if anyone has managed to do so, please let me know.