Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 devel packages installed Trying to build the latest source package and as I read the README, it suggested running the ./tools/wineinstall to build and install from source. So I run as my normal user and I get errors back like this: [ismgr@atchisonkansas tools]$ ./wineinstall WINE Installer v0.74 ~/wine-20030911 ~/wine-20030911/tools Running configure... ./configure: line 88: No such file or directory ./configure: line 89: No such file or directory chmod: failed to get attributes of `': No such file or directory ./configure: line 201: conf2803.file: No such file or directory ./configure: line 949: config.log: No such file or directory Configure failed, aborting install. [ismgr@atchisonkansas tools]$ Any ideas? Thanks! Chris
This could be a permission problem, try running configure as the same user that decompressed the tar.gz of the wine source. In any case you can't use wine on ppc to run native windows applications, so if this is what you want to do don't waste any time on it, as it can't work.