Hello, I'm trying to run a Delphi Application using CodeWeavers Wine but when the programs starts, it crashes and shows a message: Exception EOleSysError in module <my app name> at xxxxxxx OLE error 80040154 This is a thirdy part application. I don't have access to fonts and i don't know what it uses besides paradox. I think there's nothing more than paradox and Delphi inside this application. Whe i ran this app without mounting the novell file system, and tha app doesn't find the data base files, it run well, showing a screen to find the data base files. So, the program can start, but something it's trying to do can't. I've already tried to copy all dlls from SYSTEM directory from a Windows station that runs this program to ~/.wine/fakewindows/windows/system, but it doesn't work. Well, thanks for your attention and your help Josinei R. L. Silva