On Mon, 10 Dec 2001 00:56:09 +0100, in comp.emulators.ms-windows.wine
Oliver Sampson <olsam@quickaudio.com> wrote:
> Howdy,
> In my continuing effort to get Agent up and as functional as possible,
> I'm now looking into launching applications.
> For example, if I have a .jpg file attached to an email, double
> clicking it should be able to open an application (like gimp) to view
> the attachment.
> I've run into a couple of problems with this. The first is that gimp
> tries to open a file called F:\temp\xyz.jpg. Of course gimp doesn't
> know anything about "F:" When passing the message to the native
> system, is there a way to cull/map drive letters?
> Secondly, Agent has a Data\temp subdirectory called temp to store the
> file while an application uses that file. When passing the file name
> to the it just references the temp\filename. This makes sense from
> Agent's point of view because its current directory is whichever data
> directory from which it is run. Is there a way to use this
> information to map back to native system?
> Thirdly, when passing the file reference to the native linux app, it
> appears (from the gimp error message) that the Windows slashes
"\" are
> used not the Unix "/". Is there a way to map these for the
> system?
> And fourthly, when a file name under the windows system has spaces in
> the title, gimp thinks it's actually different file names. Is there a
> way to put the filename in quotes for the native Linux system?
> Or have I found my first wine development projects?
I sent in such a patch in Jan 2000, nearly 2 year ago. I don't know
why it was never committed or whether it was rejected.
If you are interested:
it needs of course some (perhaps a lot of) work to get it working on
the current wine.
If you feel like doing that, please do.
Rein Klazes