Hi all, Finally I found out how to teach Lotus Notes to use a date format different from the American m/d/yy format. Lotus Notes (4.6) reads win.ini. Not the registry. The win.ini is stored under Wine in ~/.wine/win.ini (there's probably also a system wide location). There you can add a group [Intl] with the keys of a standard Window's registry. Using regedit under windows, have a look at the entries in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International Below is my win.ini for German settings. Don't forget that Windows needs CR+LF at the end of lines ;-) Kind regards, Stefan [Windows] device=Wine Postscript Driver,WINEPS,LPT1: [mci extensions] avi=AVIVideo [Intl] s1159="" s2359="" Locale=00000407 sLanguage=DEU sCountry=Germany iCountry=49 sList=; iMeasure=0 sDecimal=, sThousand=. iDigits=2 iLZero=1 sCurrency=DM iCurrDigits=2 iCurrency=3 iNegCurr=8 sDate=. sTime=: sShortDate=dd.MM.yyyy sLongDate=dddd, d. MMMM yyyy iDate=1 iTime=1 iTLZero=1