Hi all, I''m trying to build some gems for the Win32Utils packages, but I''m having a problem. Below is the gemspec. Specifically, the issue seems to be the require_path. If I set it to "lib", it sets the path properly, but installs the .so file in the wrong place - it puts it under lib, instead of lib/win32. However, if I specify ''lib/win32'' it puts it in the proper location, but then the $LOAD_PATH is wrong. I mean, as things stand now, you could just do ''require "ipc"'' and it would work. However, it should be setup to work if you do ''require "win32/ipc"'' - that''s what I''m going for. Please toy with this and see if you can make it work. Thanks, Dan spec = Gem::Specification.new do |gem| gem.name = "win32-ipc" gem.version = "0.4.1" gem.author = "Daniel J. Berger" gem.email = "djberg96@gmail.com" gem.homepage = "http://www.rubyforge.org/projects/win32utils" gem.platform = Gem::Platform::WIN32 gem.summary = "A base class for Win32 synchronization objects." gem.require_path = "lib" gem.test_file = "test/tc_ipc.rb" gem.has_rdoc = true gem.extra_rdoc_files = ["CHANGES","README"] gem.extensions = ["extconf.rb"] gem.rubyforge_project = "win32utils" files = Dir["doc/*"] + Dir["examples/*"] + Dir["lib/win32/*"] files += Dir["test/*"] + Dir["[A-Z]*"] files.delete_if{ |item| item.include?("CVS") } gem.files = files end if $0 == __FILE__ Gem.manage_gems Gem::Builder.new(spec).build end