Dear all,
To keep you up to date:
Since I only need this feature to migrate from drupal to webgen, i.e.
I only want to generate a complete list of publications once and can
then maintain it manually, I did the following:
1. create a list of publications with latex, biblatex (not bibtex).
2. format it as dvi
3. use dvi2tty to make a textfile from it.
4. manually edit this file (i.e. adding links to the PDFs of the
papers and slighly edit it.
Overall took about 1 hour and led to the result I wanted. In
particular it is now easily tweaked to my liking.
On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 00:21, Thomas Deselaers <thomas at>
wrote:> Dear all,
> I have seen some discussions regarding webgen and bibtex on the
> mailinglist and in the forum.
> Did anybody start with this? I would be greatly interested in using
> and probably could help in developing it.
> Cheers,
> thomas
> --