Hi, I can't play any OGG streams with Windows Media Player 12 after installing the Directshow filter. I also tried Guliverkli2 and Media Player Classic Home Cinema and they wouldn't work either. Only Winamp can play the streams. Here is the output I get from Guliverkli2 and MPCHC with the Gabest splitter (with Haali they just hang at 'open file'): -- http://stream.xaok.org:8000/frs.ogg::Output Media Type 0: -------------------------- Unknown AM_MEDIA_TYPE: majortype: MEDIATYPE_Stream {E436EB83-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} subtype: Unknown GUID Name {D2855FA9-61A7-4DB0-B979-71F297C17A04} formattype: TIME_FORMAT_NONE {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} bFixedSizeSamples: 1 bTemporalCompression: 0 lSampleSize: 1 cbFormat: 0 -- Regards, Sladjan --- Die aonKombi: unlimitiertes Highspeed-Internet + Mobiltelefonie + Festnetz um nur EUR 19,90 pro Monat - inkl. Gratis-Herstellung!* Jetzt auf Wunsch sogar mit unlimitiertem mobilem Internet!* Alle Infos und Bedingungen hier: http://www.telekom.at/aonKombi