On 3/30/07, Stephane Fillod <f8cfe@free.fr> wrote:> Hi,
> I think there's a mistake in the french version of the FAQ
> at vorbis.com/faq
> ----8<------8<------8<------8<--
> Est-il possible de porter l'encodeur/d?codeur Vorbis pour une
> sans gestion de virgule flottante ?
> Cela a d?j? ?t? fait pour le d?codeur.
> Tremor est une impl?mentation ? virgule fixe du d?codeur Vorbis qui
> peut ?tre utilis?e sur les puces des lecteurs portables. Cependant, un
> encodeur ? virugle flottante n'a pas encore ?t? ?crit.
> ---->8------>8------>8------>8--
> The last phrase "Cependant, un encodeur ? virugle flottante n'a
pas encore
> ?t? ?crit." is wrong to me, and should be "Cependant, un
> encodeur ? virugle fixe n'a pas encore ?t? ?crit.
> rem: it was saying that a floatting point encoder was not yet written,
> while it should be that a *fixed* point encoder was not yet written.
> Or am I mistaken?
You are correct (or the english is correct, I don't read any French).
I suspect that was translated from an older version of the English FAQ
where that mistake did appear in the English.
I... will attempt to make the fix without embarrassing myself.