tinc - Sep 2015

Saturday September 26 2015
2:54PM 1 Tinc clients behind a NAT, tunnels get unstable
1:45PM 0 Tinc clients behind a NAT, tunnels get unstable
10:20AM 2 Tinc clients behind a NAT, tunnels get unstable
Friday September 25 2015
8:45PM 0 Tinc clients behind a NAT, tunnels get unstable
3:46PM 2 Tinc clients behind a NAT, tunnels get unstable
3:04PM 0 Tinc clients behind a NAT, tunnels get unstable
2:51PM 2 Tinc clients behind a NAT, tunnels get unstable
10:25AM 1 tinc initialization (in both Red Hat and Debian families)
7:36AM 0 Tinc clients behind a NAT, tunnels get unstable
6:41AM 2 Tinc clients behind a NAT, tunnels get unstable
6:31AM 1 tinc initialization (in both Red Hat and Debian families)
Thursday September 24 2015
9:50PM 0 tinc initialization (in both Red Hat and Debian families)
8:30PM 2 tinc initialization (in both Red Hat and Debian families)
3:45PM 0 tinc initialization (in both Red Hat and Debian families)
2:51PM 3 tinc initialization (in both Red Hat and Debian families)
Saturday September 12 2015
6:34AM 0 tinc generating invalid packet checksums?
Thursday September 10 2015
11:34PM 2 tinc generating invalid packet checksums?
Monday September 7 2015
4:43PM 1 Asymmetric routing and firewalls dropping UDP packets
7:28AM 0 "Switch Mode" with "TunnelServer" and No Communication
Friday September 4 2015
7:28AM 1 Question to Configuration File: