On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 03:22:09PM -0500, Rob Townley wrote:
> Since Fedora is pushing NSS SSL instead of OpenSSL, has someone tested
> tinc-vpn against NSS? As i recall, a single machine can not have
> OpenSSL and mod_nss installed at the same time anymore. So if you
> have apache running, you _may_ have problems running tinc? The nss
> api is supposed to mostly similar to openssl api, but there are some
> things openssl supports and somethings nss supports.
Perhaps mod_nss conflicts with mod_ssl, but I cannot believe it would conflict
with the OpenSSL libraries themselves.
Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
Guus Sliepen <guus at tinc-vpn.org>
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