Hi, I'm trying to build a vpn between two hosts with valid IP address. One maquerades the private network, the other masquerades Configuration files and routes seem to be ok. I'm getting the following on beta: Could not set up a meta connection to alpha: Ago 5 17:56:24 Viatel01 tinc.nextel[16355]: Trying to re-establish outgoing connection in 245 secondsAgo 5 18:00:32 Viatel01 tinc.nextel[16355]: Trying to connect to alpha (port 443)Ago 5 18:00:33 Viatel01 tinc.nextel[16355]: Could not set up a meta connection to alpha On alpha: Aug 13 10:28:51 ifnia tinc.nextel[1931]: Connection with beta activated I'm using TCPonly on the host configuration... My tinc-up script on alpha is: ifconfig $INTERFACE hw ether fe:fd:0:0:0:0 ifconfig $INTERFACE netmask -arp My tinc-up script on beta is: ifconfig $INTERFACE hw ether fe:fd:0:0:0:0 ifconfig $INTERFACE netmask -arp Any help much appreciated! Thanks, Ahab -------------------------------------------------- Estad?o - Internet com alta qualidade de conex?o. GANHE ACESSO GRATUITO ? Internet do Estad?o em http://www.estadao.com.br/discador/ -------------------------------------------------- Tinc: Discussion list about the tinc VPN daemon Archive: http://mail.nl.linux.org/lists/ Tinc site: http://tinc.nl.linux.org/