Hi everyone, Okay, passphrases are going to be phased out in favour of public/private keys, because it will be safer and easier for smartcards and things like LDAP support. Also, configuration file is very flat it really needs to change sometime. Therefore I propose: * Main configuration file Flat file, containing only those things that other tinc hosts do not need to know, like type of backend, location of public and private keys. It also contains the name of the local tinc daemon. * Host files These contain information about the other tinc daemons, for example public keys, but also about our own tinc daemon. The idea is that these files can be exchanged (by simply copying them) to allow other hosts on the tinc network. These files can contain information about possibly multiple address ranges which the tinc daemons serve. This is not limitted to IPv4 ofcourse. These files should have some more sophisticated structure like: IPv4 { address = netmask = broadcast = ... } etcetera. Things like MAC address, public keys and listen port numbers should be stored outside of these structures. ------------------------------------------- Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards, Guus Sliepen <guus@sliepen.warande.net> ------------------------------------------- See also: http://tinc.nl.linux.org/ http://www.kernelbench.org/ ------------------------------------------- --- TINC development list, tinc-devel@nl.linux.org Archive: http://mail.nl.linux.org/tinc-devel/