On Thu, 6 Jul 2000 bugs@icicle.yi.org wrote:
> I would like to see a sort of map option in the next version that checks
> tincd's and produces a map of the linked tincds
> preferably in 2 formats 1)easy to read map like the /map feature in some
> and 2) a script usable map
This would require ADD_HOST to be modified so that it also gives the
direct uplink of the added host. Or, we query EVERY tincd in the network
for a list of directly attached hosts.
Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
Guus Sliepen <guus@sliepen.warande.net>
See also: http://tinc.nl.linux.org/
TINC development list, tinc-devel@nl.linux.org
Archive: http://mail.nl.linux.org/tinc-devel/