Hi again,
Just very quickly, I forgot to add, as I had a request, that I made a
version with more neatness, but I prefer currently more precision, seems
more important.I could add a "neatness parameter" as an encoder option
(rather simple to the contrary of precision setting, file size will be
nearly the same, and encoding/decoding times are the same), but maybe
precision is the really first parameter to improve?
Any advice and comment would be very helpful.
Many thanks for your time,
2012/5/11 Raphael Canut <nhwcodec at gmail.com>
> Hello,
> Just contact you quickly again, for those interested, I have made a new
> version of my codec with a little more precision.This version seems a
> little better, -I have updated my demo page: http://nhwcodec.blogspot.com/
> you would have time, any comment (or critics) from the Xiph Community would
> be really very appreciated.
> (Also I made a previous update to correct a bug, if there would be some
> images where my codec bugs, do not hesitate to let me know, would
> be also very helpful)...
> Many thanks,
> Raphael
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