hey all, I did a Qt4 GUI to ffmpeg2theora with a nice progress bar, combobox, sliders and stuff. It supports most of ffmpeg2theora 0.13 features. It only run on nix for now cause Im on a trip and dont have access to a windows boxand neither a MacOS one but thanx to the Qt4 and ffmpeg2theora availabilty on the 3 plateforms it shouldn`t be tricky to make it work on there. When I get back home in a couple of weeks I`ll try to release those. Source: http://p80.free.fr/katiuska-0.1.tar.bz2 Binary: http://p80.free.fr/katiuska-0.1-bin.tar.bz2 Pat PS: might be buggy, repport any bug to patcito@gmail.com if you have time :)