Hey folks, I was trying the complex menu from the lastest pxelinux 3.20-pre11. It did install a password file in the /isolinux/ of my tftpserver. Then I try to authentificate myself as user3 with as password I've been tranforming using sha1pass. When I select login, the screen blink and doesn't ask me anything. I reslect login, it ask me for a username. I give user3 and then my password. The menu is frozen, I can't do anything on it, after ~10 keys pressed it beeps. I tried on two different systems (one dell and one HP), it does the same. PS: I tried the hpa's trick to sha1pass <password> | tr + -, it does the same. Did I make a mistake on the way it works ? Erwan, PS: the password file is readable I did : [root at konilope syslinux-3.20-pre11]# ./sha1pass test $4$D0QLvZ9f$N5kBhGVrcQxyhADhIO0pnEIF6fw$ [root at konilope syslinux-3.20-pre11]# and my password file looks like: user1:LcMRo3YZGtP0c:editcmd user2:FqewzyxP78a7A: user3:$4$D0QLvZ9f$N5kBhGVrcQxyhADhIO0pnEIF6fw$:root