On Wednesday 31 March 2004 09:23, elmar bschorer wrote:> i`am reading the given parameter in linuxrc with the following command:
> CMDLINE="$(cat /proc/cmdline)"
> to test if all went well i check it by executing:
> echo $CMDLINE
> in linuxrc. but nothing is beeing displayed!
> hmmm...what am i doing wrong??
I guess you don't have "cat" in your initrd... this is also
another entry in
the "Useless use of cat" award ;-) Make that
CMDLINE=$(< /proc/cmdline)
which is more effective (bash does the work as opposed to cat) and try again
Marc Haisenko
Linux Solutions
Be O.K. service group GmbH
R?desheimer Stra?e 7
D-80686 M?nchen
Tel: +49 (0)89 - 54 84 99 73
Fax: +49 (0)89 - 54 84 99 28
e-mail: haisenko at be-ok.com