> When I boot from a MoviX cd, Isolinux gives an error:
> isolinux: Image checksum error, sorry...
> Boot failed, press a key to retry....
> I searched the internet, but I couldn't find a solution,
> in the changelogs, there where no changes reported on this problem
> my specs are:
> AMD k6-2 300
> Riva TNT2 M64 32MB
> 64 MB RAM
> RedHat and Knoppix work fine on this PC
If RedHat boots, it's most likely not an ISOLINUX problem. You don't
what BIOS you have, but some BIOSes have been known to have problems
booting from a file near the end of the disk. You can usually use the
"sort" option to mkisofs to force a certain file to the beginning of