Hello, it took me some time until I found out how to make _working_ .lss files for syslinux. So, here is the (rough) howto, maybe you like to include it in an FAQ. - Use a paint tool "gimp" (if you know how to handle it) to create the boot logo, keep in mind that it will have (at the end) only 16 color. - make sure it has 640 width. - save it as gif <black magic> - use the tool : mogrify -colors 16 boot1.gif - Then check with giftrans the colorpalette: giftrans -l boot2.gif Pick a white entry and swap it with the palette entry 7. because 7 will be used as the text color. eg: giftrans -g 11=7 </black magic> Then use giftoppm and make a ppm file, now you can use the ppmtolss conversion program in syslinux. happy booting, Martin