On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 12:59 PM, Jean-Marc Valin <
jean-marc.valin at usherbrooke.ca> wrote:
> Hi Benny,
> Can you send me your pair of testecho input files that work well with
> beta3 and not with rc1? I'll have a look.
Thanks for the help. The files are on their way now, the upload will take
few more minutes to complete. In the mean time let me explain more what I
The speaker signal is signal-xx, where xx is 8khz and 16khz depending on the
file's sampling rate, and mic signal is mic-xx. The result is result-xx-yy,
where yy is either rc1 or beta3 depending on Speex version that I used for
the test.
For the result, I use my test program for the test [1], and during the test
I set echo tail length setting to 200ms, and delay to 100ms (meaning the
speaker signal that's given to speex_echo_cancellation() is 100ms older than
what's currently playing). The frame length is set to 20ms.
And to switch between rc1 and beta3, I simply replace mdf.c from the
corresponding tarball. Nothing else is changed.
The actual tail length I think is around 160ms, so I'm not sure if default
testecho can cope with it.
In case it matters, the original input files are the 16khz ones, the 8khz is
the resampled version of it (I don't think it matters in this case though
since the resample is quite good).
And one more thing, my mic is not synched to the speaker (I used different
sound device). The mic is running about 0.06% faster than the speaker
(that's about one 20ms frame drift every 3.2s or so). But I don't think
matters again, because first I have drift handling in my library (similar to
how PLC work, with WSOLA) to compensate this, and secondly it doesn't seem
to affect the beta3 EC anyway. But just in case it matters.
And last, the test was done on Win XP.
> Benny Prijono a ?crit :
> > Hi Jean-Marc,
> >
> > I tried with both testecho and my test program, and for some reason it
> > just doesn't cancel any echoes with the 1.2-rc1. The testecho from
> > binaries works fine, and also if I replaced mdf.c in 1.2-rc1 with
> > from beta3 and use my test program, it will work again. This happens
> > both 8KHz and 16KHz. Any ideas?
> >
> > I could upload the test samples and results if needed.
> >
> > Cheers
> > Benny
> >
> >
> >
> >
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