Hi All, I have just made available a package of the Speex library 1.1.6 for Mac OS X. This package contains, in addition to the code of 1.1.6, specific code for sending decoded frames to the Mac OS X sound system. The source can be downloaded at "http://www.sourire.ch/speex-1.1.6.tar.gz" and the package at "http://www.sourire.ch/speex-1.1.6.dmg.gz". Unfortunately, for the moment, only http access is available. By the way, it seems that the extension "dmg" confuses mozilla-like browsers (Mozilla, Firefox). I have encountered no problem with Safari (Apple browser), wget and curl. When downloaded with the Safari browser, the Apple installation program is immediately called to start the installation. I have already sent the modifications to J.M. Vallin for an inclusion in the next release. Since I have to do anyway a package for installing the software on my Mac, I thougth it could be useful for others too. Please send me an e-mail if you have some problems with the package. best regards, Alain Aubord