Hello Cesar
I'm using Speex on a PPC2002 and PPC2003 with no problems. For tune-up
remember to define the FIXED_POINT macro in Project->Settings in eVC. With
this setting you ought to be able to at least decode in realtime while using
Kind regards
Bjoern D. Rasmussen
>From: "cesarbremer@raseac.com.br"
>To: speex-dev@xiph.org
>Subject: [Speex-dev] Speex in a PocketPc crashes sometimes.
>Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 23:21:16 -0300
>I'm trying to port the speex codec (version 1.1.5) to my product (Raseac
>Secure Phone), the platform is PocketPc 2002 (and 2003), and i am using the
>Microsoft Embedded Visual C++, i compiled the Speex, ported it to my
>application and i noted that this codec is unstable, crashing my system
>sometimes. The problem is in the recepton module (decoding the voice).
>My initial test is made using a cellular line to send voice. In this
>environment the cellular line lost some voice packets, and i think the
>decoder could have problems in this situation.
>My question is, the speex decoder are being tested with this kind of
>situation? My environment do not allow to debug the speex because the codec
>with the debugging information is too slow to be used in a realtime
>situation, and i think that debugging some voice sample with windows
>directly and supressing some voice packets from this voice sample could
>bring some light to this possible decoder problem.
>I don't know if the speex is being used in the pocketpc environmet and i
>would like some help, may be some tunning be required?
>Thank you.
>Cesar Bremer Pinheiro
>Please erase the "[remove]" from e-mail.
>Speex-dev mailing list
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