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> From: speex-dev@xiph.org [mailto:speex-dev@xiph.org]
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> From: "J.K. Lin" <jk@pageshare.com>
> To: <speex-dev@xiph.org>
> Subject: Using speex.
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> Hi:
> I am new to speex and I am evaluating the possibility of using
> Speex for web conferencing (pretty big scale). It looks very promising.
> I have some questions, maybe very naive, but please help me:
> 1) Is there any sample implementation using Speex in web conerencing
> in voice? To be more specific, in Windows platforms? (ActiveX?
> Java applet implementation?)
> 2) What is the recomended bandwidth? 4kbs (in one way)? 2 kbs?
> (The shown samples sound pretty good at 4kbs.)
> 3) What is the recomended buffer? 1 second or 2 seconds?
> 4) What would happen if sound packets are dropped (time shift
> in different computer clock speeds)? What if some
> packet holes have to be filled? (repeating the previous packet?)
> 5) Any otther issues that I should pay attention to?
> 6) Anybody did it and I can learn from?
> Thanks.
> -- jk
--- >8 ----
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