Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Grouped bwplots?"
2007 Dec 19
Different labels by panel in barchart
Dear all,
I'm analysing a survey, and creating a barchart of the different responses
for each question. The questions are grouped according to a number of
categories, so I'm using lattice to create a plot with each question in a
category on it. The problem is that the response set for different
questions within the same category varies. I want to be able to draw only
the relevant
2008 Dec 16
Change in Lattice bwplot?
Dear list,
Sorry for asking this question, but has something changed in the
syntax for bwplot in Lattice? In an old publication, I used
> bwplot( VOTMS ~gender |type * group,
which produced a lovelly 3x3 lattice plot with one
2009 Sep 16
apply function across two variables by mult factors
I am attempting to run a function, which produces a vector and
requires two input variables, across two nested factor levels. I can
do this using by(X, list(factor1, factor2), function), however I
haven't found a simple way to extract the list output into an
organized vector form. I can do this using nested loops but it isn't
exactly an optimal approach.
Thank you
2008 Feb 19
Two bwplots in one single graph
Dear list,
With the below codes, I got 8 bwplots but I would like to put 2 bwplots in one single graph so that instead of 8 separate bwplots I would have 4 graphs, each contains 2 bwplots. How can I do that?
Another question is how do I add the mean as a point to each boxplot in the bwplot but also keeping the median line.
for (i in 1:length(dat)){
2004 Feb 16
2 bwplots - different colors
Hi all,
I would like to draw one picture which would show two different types of
boxplots using the same axes (kind of on top of each other). However, I
would like to plot each boxplot using a different color or different
shading inside the box, so they could be better distinquished from each
other... Could you help me?
Here is an example of the plot I have so far. I was only able to change
2009 Mar 20
how to make aggregation in R ?
I am trying to aggregate the sum of my test data.frame as follow:
testDF <- data.frame(v1 = c("a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "b",
"b", "c", "c", "c", "c", "c", "d", "d", "d", "d",
2011 Mar 09
SQLDF - Submitting Queries with R Objects as Columns
Fellow R programmers,
I'd like to submit SQLDF statements with R objects as column names.
For example, I want to assign "X" to "var1" (var1<-"X") and then refer to
"var1" in the SQLDF statement. SQLDF needs to understand that when I
reference "var1", it should look for "X" in the dataframe.
This is necessary because my SQLDF
2008 Feb 26
wrapper for save function
Hello -
I would like to create a wrapper to the 'save' function in the base
package, but have a small problem with the name of the object that is
getting saved in the file. Below is a simple example illustrating my
## Here is the wrapper for the save function
2007 Nov 09
wrapper for coxph with a subset argument
Dear R-help -
Thanks to those who replied yesterday (Christos H. and Thomas L.)
regarding my question on coxph and model formula, the answers worked
My new question involves the following.
I want to run several coxph models (package survival) with the same
dataset, but different subsets of that dataset.
I have found a way to do this, described below in functions subwrap1 and
2011 Jan 01
Retrieving Factors with Levels Ordered
Hello (and Happy New Year),
When I create a factor with labels in the order I want, write the data as a text file, and then retrieve them, the factor levels are no longer in the proper order.
Here is what I do (I tried many variations):
# educ is a numeric vector with 1,001 observations.
# There is one NA
# Use educ to create a factor
feducord <- factor(educ, labels = c('Elem',
2009 Jun 22
Problem with storing a sequence of lmer() model fit into a list
Dear R-helpers:
May I ask a question related to storing a number of lmer model fit into a
Basically, I have a for-loop (see towards the bottom of this email)
in the loop, I am very sure that the i-th model fit (i.e.,fit_i) is
successfully generated and the character string (i.e., tmp_i) is created
The problem stems from the following line in the for-loop
#trouble making line
2011 May 17
Dealing with null values Aggregate function
Hi R users
I trying to some aggregate statistics on a very large dataset. The null
values are causing a problem. I would like to calculate aggregate values
for groups. I am just no sure how to deal with the "" I would ideally
like them to ignored ie if there is only 1 value over several columns
than that value would be the summary statistic.
I have put the following example together to
2008 Apr 03
by "infelicity"
Dear list,
Please find below an example of odd
behaviour of the by function.
It occurs both under GNU/Linux R 2.6.2
and Windows R 2.7.0alpha. Respective
sessionInfo()'s are given below.
I hope I do not overlook anything.
testFactor <- factor(sample(LETTERS[1:6], size = 42, replace = TRUE))
testMatrix <- matrix(rnorm(42 * 6), nrow = 42)
testDf <- as.data.frame(testMatrix)
2013 Oct 07
Why read.table replacing space with "." in the header
Use `check.names=FALSE`
#? Phylo.Tree Genesis.Tree
#1????????? 1??????????? 2
#2????????? 2??????????? 3
?dd <- data.frame("Phylo Tree"= c(1:10), "Genesis Tree"= c(2:11),check.names=FALSE)
#? Phylo Tree Genesis Tree
#1????????? 1??????????? 2
#2????????? 2??????????? 3
2006 Mar 29
calcualtign a trailing 12 column mean in a dataframe?
I have a dataframe of 25 columns and 100,000 rows
called ?testdf?.
I wish to build a new dataframe, with 14 columns and
100,000 rows.
I wish the new dataframe to have the ?trailing 12
column? mean. That is, I want column 1 of the new
dataframe to have soemthing like:
?( mean(testdf[,1:12],na.rm=T)?
What is the best way to accomplish this?
2006 Feb 06
turn off selected axes in bwplot
I want to turn off selected axes in bwplot. I would like to only have the bottom axis drawn, with the others off.
I have a series of bwplots that I want on one device, like this:
I know about the panel functions panel.bwplot() and panel.axis(), but
2010 Apr 16
bwplot puts the bars in the wrong place
Dear R-Help,
With the attached data set, I am still getting incorrect bwplots
> xyplot(gdf$tt~gdf$OnHour |gdf$Runway, data=gdf) # Is correct
> bwplot(gdf$tt~gdf$OnHour |gdf$Runway, data=gdf, horizontal=FALSE) #
Puts the boxes on the wrong x-axis values
# look especially at 0 and 3. How do I fix this?
What is happening?
Jim Rome
2004 Nov 20
how to suppress whiskers in a bwplot?
dear R-help,
i have looked carefully through the R-help archives for information on how
to suppress whiskers in a bwplot. someone asked this question a while
ago, but the answer he received is not available in the archives.
but i did manage to get my hands on a panel function (called
"my.panel") that is supposed to do this (the function is reproduced at the
end of the email, below).
2011 Jul 01
Access only part of last dimension of table/matrix
I would like to do some operations inside a function using only one
value for the last dimension of a table/matrix:
tabfn <- function (dfrm, facvec, YN ="event"){
return( Etbl <- do.call(table, dfrm[ , c(facvec,
"event") ]) )
# just want Etbl[,,,"TRUE"] or Etbl[,, "TRUE"] or
2009 Jun 26
How do I get just the two last tokens of each string in a vector?
Dear list,
Sorry for asking this very silly question on the list, but I seem to
have made my life complicated by going into string manipulation in
What I need is to get the last part of a sting (the two last tokens,
separated by a space), and of course, this should be done for all
strings in a vector, creating a new vector of exual size.
a <- c(" %L H*L L*H H%",