Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Random labeling hypothesis in spatstat"
2010 Apr 14
envelope in spatstat
Hi R users,
This query is regarding the use of the 'envelope' function in Spatstat.
My data can be represented as a point process with CONTINUOUS marks:
points <- ppp(x=x,y=y, marks=m, window= wind)
However the marks are alignments (lines), and so have to be treated
differently to normal scalar marks. Hence to create a mcf object with the
appropriate test function for alignment
2002 Oct 17
Polar plot, circular plot (angular data)
Dear R-users,
Hereby a polar plot function for plotting angular data. I hope it will be usefull for some of you.
I had a need to plot frequencies of wind-directions. The not-that-cheap SigmaPlot software did not allow me to change the orientation of the angular axis to clockwise orientation (what is used for meteorological observations). I even tried the latest version availible at the time
2002 Nov 08
Polar plot, circular plot (angular data): II
Dear R-users,
As noted by Paul Murrell < p.murrell at auckland.ac.nz > there is errors in the code for polar plotting I send to R-help under the title "Polar plot, circular plot (angular data)" at Thu Oct 17 2002 - 12:18:20 CEST.
I have reorganized the code into a structure ('pp'). This allows plots to be modified to a greater extent by passing arguments by ...
2006 May 03
Permutation test of marked point pattern
Dear R users,
I am trying to perform a hypothesis test on a marked point pattern. I
would like to calculate the mean of the absolute value of the
difference of marks between nearest neigbours, randomize the marks
among points, then calculate this mean again. Ideally, I would test
whether random mean values smaller than the observed mean value occur
less than 5% of the time. I suppose 1000
2006 Feb 05
3-dimensional table
Last week my class conducted an experiment by putting out clay
caterpillars to look at the effects of urbanization, color, and location
on caterpillar predation. There were two sites (urban, rural), three
colors (green, yellow, red) and two locations at each site (edge,
interior). The entire data set is below. I've checked out the MASS
book, Dalgaard's book, and the R-help archives
2007 Jun 16
linear hypothesis test in gls model
Dear all,
For analysis of a longitudinal data set with fixed measurement in time I built a gls model (nlme). For testing hypotheses in this model I used the linear.hypothesis function from the car package. A check with the results obtained in SAS proc MIXED with a repeated statement revealed an inconsistency in the results. The problem can be that the linear.hypothesis function (1) only gives the
2010 Apr 08
general linear hypothesis testing for manova model
I have a MANOVA model and I want to test the following hypothesis: LBM =
0 where B is the parameter estimates.
Is there any function to do this in R?
Philippe Hup?
Institut Curie, CNRS UMR 144, INSERM U900
26 rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris - France
Email : Philippe.Hupe at curie.fr
T?l : +33 (0)1 56 24 69 91
Fax: +33 (0)1 56 24 69 11
website :
2002 Apr 30
Examples of hypothesis testing Bryan Moss
2011 Sep 07
Testing non-exhaustive Null and Alternative Hypothesis
I wish to test the hypothesis of mu equal to or less than 5 against the specific alternative mu equal to or greater than 7. I am unable to find how to persuade R to do this with any function (e.g. t.test). Suggestions?
Michael Grant
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Jul 14
Hypothesis testing after optim
Hi folks: Does anyone know of a way to do (linear) hypothesis tests of
parameters after fitting a maximum-likelihood model w/ optim? I can't seem
to find anything like a Wald test whose documentation says it applies to
optim output.
Also, thanks again to everyone who gave me feedback on the robustness of ML
estimation in R!
2005 Sep 12
poisson mean hypothesis
Dear R-users,
Is there a way to get p-values for a one-sided hypothesis test about a
poisson mean?
Jan Wijffels
University Center for Statistics
W. de Croylaan 54
3001 Heverlee
tel: +32 (0)16 322784
fax: +32 (0)16 322831
<http://www.kuleuven.be/ucs> http://www.kuleuven.be/ucs
Disclaimer: http://www.kuleuven.be/cwis/email_disclaimer.htm
[[alternative HTML version
2005 Sep 16
corr.test -- use a different null hypothesis
Hash: SHA1
First of all, I'm a physicist and therefore I'm not much used to use
statistics. So, please forgive me if this is a FAQ or stupid, but I
failed to find the answer by myself.
I want to use corr.test to test for the correlation of two data sets
(actually I have a lot of data set and perform pairwise testing). But I
wanted to find sets where the
2006 Feb 07
New car package with new linear.hypothesis function
Dear R-packages list members,
Last month, Peter Muhlberger posted a message to the r-help list that
suggested, among other things, a desire for a more convenient method of
performing Wald tests for statistical models fit in R.
Thanks largely to Achim Zeleis's help, the linear.hypothesis function in the
car package has been reworked so that (1) it is applicable to any model
object that
2006 Feb 07
New car package with new linear.hypothesis function
Dear R-packages list members,
Last month, Peter Muhlberger posted a message to the r-help list that
suggested, among other things, a desire for a more convenient method of
performing Wald tests for statistical models fit in R.
Thanks largely to Achim Zeleis's help, the linear.hypothesis function in the
car package has been reworked so that (1) it is applicable to any model
object that
2007 May 21
How to conduct a hypothesis test : Ho:|E(X)|=|E(Y)|<->H1:otherwise NOT R question
Dear R-list,
I am sorry for my shortage of stat knowlege. I want know how to conduct a
hypothesis test : Ho:|E(X)|=|E(Y)|<->H1:otherwise.
Actually, in my study, X and Y is two observations of bias,
where bias=u^hat-u, u is a parameter I concerned. Given X=(u^hat_xi - u) and
Y=(u^hat_yi - u), I want to know which bias is smaller, or the absolute
expection of which is smaller. Due to limit
2007 Jun 06
R package: Mchtest - Monte Carlo hypothesis testing allowing Sequential Stopping
This is an announcement for a package that has been up on CRAN since March 2006 but was never announced.
The package is Mchtest - for Monte Carlo hypothesis tests allowing sequential stopping. The idea is to use the sequential probability ratio test boundaries to stop resampling for a Monte Carlo hypothesis test such as a bootstrap or permutation test. This means that you will take many
2007 Jun 06
R package: Mchtest - Monte Carlo hypothesis testing allowing Sequential Stopping
This is an announcement for a package that has been up on CRAN since March 2006 but was never announced.
The package is Mchtest - for Monte Carlo hypothesis tests allowing sequential stopping. The idea is to use the sequential probability ratio test boundaries to stop resampling for a Monte Carlo hypothesis test such as a bootstrap or permutation test. This means that you will take many
2007 Aug 05
null hypothesis for two-way anova
Dear R community,
Confused by some of my lab results I ask for the definition of the null
hypothesis of a two-way analysis of variance in R (anova() and aov()).
Starting with the following model
y = a_i + b_j , i in A and j in B
is the tested null hypothesis
H_0: a_i = 0 for all i in A
H_0: a_m = a_n for any m and n in A?
Consequently the same questions for interaction effects.
2007 Aug 26
How can I interpret this test hypothesis test
Hello wizards,
First of all, I'm a physicist and therefore I'm not much used to use
statistics. So, please forgive me if this is a FAQ or stupid, but I
failed to find the answer by myself.
I have used "runs.test" (Package tseries) for computes the runs test
for randomness , but I get this result:
Runs test
-1.8732 P-value = 0.0610
Alternative Hypothesis : Two sided
How can
2008 Jan 10
general linear hypothesis glht() to work with lme()
I am trying to test some contrasts, using glht() in
multcomp package on fixed effects in a linear mixed
model fitted with lme() in nlme package. The command I
used is:
## a simple randomized block design,
## type is fixed effect
## batch is random effect
## model with interaction
dat.lme<-lme(info.index~type, random=~1|batch/type,
glht(dat.lme, linfct = mcp(type