similar to: Age as time-scale in a cox model-How to calculate x-time risk?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Age as time-scale in a cox model-How to calculate x-time risk?"

2009 Feb 19
Age as time-scale in a cox model
You asked about survival curves with age scale versus follow-up scale. > fit1 <- coxph(Surv(time/365.25, status) ~ t5 + id + age, data=stanford2) > surv1<- survfit(fit1) > surv1 n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL 157.000 102.000 1.999 0.898 3.608 > summary(surv1, times=3) time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI 3 46 85 0.451
2007 Feb 15
bootcov and cph error
Hi all, I am trying to get bootstrap resampled estimates of covariates in a Cox model using cph (Design library). Using the following I get the error: > ddist2.abr <- datadist(data2.abr) > options(datadist='ddist2.abr') > cph1.abr <- cph(Surv(strt3.abr,loc3.abr)~cov.a.abr+cov.b.abr, data=data2.abr, x=T, y=T) > boot.cph1 <- bootcov(cph1.abr, B=100, coef.reps=TRUE,
2008 May 09
how to check linearity in Cox regression
Hi, I am just wondering if there is a test available for testing if a linear fit of an independent variable in a Cox regression is enough? Thanks for any suggestions. John Zhang ____________________________________________________________________________________ [[elided Yahoo spam]]
2004 Nov 17
frailty and time-dependent covariate
Hello, I'm trying to estimate a cox model with a frailty variable and time-dependent covariate (below there is the statement I use and the error message). It's seems to be impossible, because every time I add the time-dependent covariate the model doesn't converge. Instead, if I estimate the same model without the time-dependent covariate it's converge. I'd like knowing if
2001 Sep 18
case weights in coxph (survival)
Hi, I am having trouble with the survival library, particualrily the coxph function. the following works coxph(jtree9$,z,rep(1,dim(z)[1])) Call: coxph(formula = jtree9$, data = z, weights = rep(1, dim(z)[1])) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p SM 0.2574 1.294 0.0786 3.274 1.1e-03 Sex -0.1283 0.880 0.1809 -0.709
2006 Dec 02
Bug#401259: logcheck: logcheck needs to override locale for grep
Package: logcheck Version: 1.2.51 Severity: normal Logcheck has an implicit assumption that the default locale should be used by grep when processing log files. However, that's not always the case. For example, I use the locale "en_US.UTF-8", and consequently grep assumes that its inputs are encoded as UTF-8. But the log files appear to be encoded as ISO 8859-1, which means that
2003 Mar 30
R-devel (1.7 to be) on windows XP
Hola! I'm trying to make r-devel on windows XP. I downloaded an hour ago R-1.7.0beta_2003-03-30.tar.gz make terminates without any error messages, with make check I get error messages from tests of internet and socket functions, surely because my modem was not connected (It doesn't say in the documentation (file INSTALL) that internet must be connected under make check.) But the file
2009 Oct 13
Time Dependent Cox Model
I am having trouble formatting some survival data to use in a time dependent cox model. My time dep. variable is habitat and I have it recorded for every day (with some NAs). I think it is working properly except for calculating the death.time. This column should be 1s or 0s and as I have it only produces 0s. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
2009 Apr 23
Cox regression
Hi I am doing a survival analysis and have run into a couple of things that I was hoping I could get some advice on. The first thing is that when I run an ordinary Cox regression in R I get the same results that I do using Stata (provided that I specify the Efron method for handling ties) but I also get the following warning message: "Warning message: In coxph(Surv1 ~ Out + site + haem) :
2015 Aug 02
ayuda con análisis de supervivencia
Hola a todos, -Estoy estudiando el efecto de dos genotipos (~tratamientos) en la aparición de síndrome metabólico (MetS) con datos longitudinales recogidos a tiempo 0,7,10,15,20 y 25 años. -He hecho un dataframe con las siguientes variables MetS: Síndrome Metabólico (Si=1,No=0) bmi: Indice de masa corporal (IMC) cuando se produce la conversión a MetS+ . Para los que permancen MetS-, esta variable
2007 Jun 08
Escobar&Meeker example survreg
Dear all, I am new to R and may make beginner mistakes. Sorry. I am learning using R to do survival analysis. As a start I used the example script code provided in the documentation of predict.survreg of the survival package: # Draw figure 1 from Escobar and Meeker fit <- survreg(Surv(time,status) ~ age + age^2, data=stanford2, dist='lognormal') plot(stanford2$age, stanford2$time,
2011 Sep 05
SAS code in R
Dear all, I was wondering if anyone can help? I am an R user but recently I have resorted to SAS to calculate the probability of the event (and the associated confidence interval) for the Cox model with combinations of risk factors. For example, suppose I have a Cox model with two binary variables, one for gender and one for treatment, I wish to calculate the probability of survival for the
2008 Feb 28
surv2sample 0.1-2
Dear useRs, There is a new version 0.1-2 of the package surv2sample available on CRAN. Users of the previous versions should update because a bug in the function cif2.ks has been fixed. General information about the package: surv2sample provides various two-sample tests for right-censored survival data. Three main areas and corresponding methods are: * comparison of two survival
2008 Feb 28
surv2sample 0.1-2
Dear useRs, There is a new version 0.1-2 of the package surv2sample available on CRAN. Users of the previous versions should update because a bug in the function cif2.ks has been fixed. General information about the package: surv2sample provides various two-sample tests for right-censored survival data. Three main areas and corresponding methods are: * comparison of two survival
2010 Jul 28
anderson-darling test
Hi, I have the binned data (observed and generated from model)  that I would like to test using the anderson-darling goodness of fit test.  But I'm not sure which package in R to use. I tried ad.test(...) but it does not recognise the test by Vito Ricci in FITTING DISTRIBUTIONS WITH R   > ad.test(hist_hume_beec[,1],hist_hume_beec[,2]) Error: could not find function "ad.test"
2024 Feb 07
Difficult debug
I haven't done any R memory debugging lately, but at shows how I used to have gdb break where valgrind finds a problem so you could examine the details. Also, running your code after running gctorture(TRUE) can help track down memory problems. -Bill On Wed, Feb 7, 2024 at 12:03?PM Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D.
2024 Feb 07
Difficult debug
?I've hit a roadblock debugging a new update to the survival package.?? I do debugging in a developement envinment, i.e. I don't create and load a package but rather? source all the .R files and dyn.load an .so file, which makes things a bit easier. ? Running with R -d "valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full" one of my test files crashes in simple R code a dozen lines
2001 Nov 12
check() warnings for survival-2.6
I am not sure if this is the right place for that kind of questions, but I wondered that the recommended package survival did not pass R's check procedure without warnings: 1) unbalanced braces: * Rd files with unbalanced braces: * man/Surv.Rd * man/cluster.Rd * man/cox.zph.Rd * man/coxph.Rd * man/coxph.detail.Rd * man/date.ddmmmyy.Rd * man/lines.survfit.Rd *
2009 Jan 31
interaction plot in R for factorial experiment
hi, i did a 2^4 factorial experiment, and i got the following result: Effect t p (computer) p -484.52494328125 -5.64590926071629 <0.0001 d -450.67095078125 -5.25142684568607 <0.0001 pd 438.80508046875 5.11316022388923 0.0001 t 351.87216640625 4.1001776078805 0.0008 pt -341.05023984375 -3.97407550262202 0.0011 dt -311.27784109375
2012 Sep 11
Question about logistic regression with ordered factor variable using the rms package (prev.Design)
Dear R users, Hopefully someone can help me, Maybe I just misunderstand the function in the package? I am working with a logistic regression model. Until now I always worked with the basic glm function, where for the model was: ¡§ glm( disease ~ test.value + cnct , family=binomial(link=¡¦logit¡¦) ¡¨. This works fine when test .value and concentration (cnct) are continuous vairables. However,