Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Help on warning message from Neg. Binomial error during glm"
2015 Jun 16
Regresión logística
El 15 de junio de 2015, 16:54, Freddy Omar López Quintero <
freddy.vate01 en gmail.com> escribió:
> ?Holap.?
> ran out of iterations and failed to converge
> ?Prueba aumentando el número de iteraciones, con el argumento maxit:
> ?GLM <- bigglm(In.hospital_death ~ GCS + BUN, data = DatosGLM, family =
>> binomial(logit), maxit=1000)?
2002 Sep 20
warning in binomial analysis
I have make an analise with presence and absence, y=(1 e 0).
I have a area continuous data and a sp data with 25 levels. I have 300 points.
When I make
presenca is 0 or 1.
peso is the unit = 1.
area is the continuous data.
The analysis is OK.
When I put the sp and interactions in analysis this warning appear.
2011 Jun 27
Neg Binomial In GEE
Hi, I want to fit a GEE with a negative binomial distribution. I have uesd
already a poisson glm and then neg binommial to deal with alot of
dispersion. In my neg binomial residuals i have some patterns so i have
implemented a GEE, but only with a poisson family as i couldnt with neg
binomial. However the residual patterns in fact look worse here. When i
try and put neg binomial family it
2007 Nov 06
Discrepancy of Neg. Binomial Estimation in R
Dear all,
I have a puzzle regarding the estimation of Neg. Binomial event count
model in R. I would greatly appreciate if anyone could shed some light
on my puzzle.
Using the glm.nb command, or the zelig command developed by Gary King
et. al., I obtain the same point estimates in R as well as in Stata.
However, if I write my own likelihood function to estimate a neg.
binomial event count
2011 Oct 13
GLM and Neg. Binomial models
Hi userRs!
I am trying to fit some GLM-poisson and neg.binomial. The neg. Binomial
model is to account for over-dispersion.
When I fit the poisson model i get:
(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
However, if I estimate the dispersion coefficient by means of:
I obtained 2.4. This is theory means over-dispersion since
2006 Sep 22
"logistic" + "neg binomial" + ...
Hi Folks,
I've just come across a kind of problem which leads
me to wonder how to approach it in R.
Basically, each a set of items is subjected to a series
of "impacts" until it eventually "fails". The "force"
of each impact would depend on covariates X,Y say;
but as a result of preceding impacts an item would be
expected to have a "cumulative
2009 Apr 03
Trouble extracting graphic results from a bootstrap
I'm trying to extract a histogram over the results from a bootstrap. However
I keep receiving the error message "Error in hist.default(boot.lrtest$ll,
breaks = "scott") : 'x' must be numeric".
The bootstrap I'm running looks like:
> boot.test <- function(data, indeces, maxit=20) {
+ y1 <- fit1+e1[indeces]
+ mod1 <- glm(y1 ~ X1-1, maxit=maxit)
2010 Feb 18
an error about " return some vectors from some functions within a function"
Dear all,
When I try to return some vectors from some functions within a function, it indicate an error," Error in rbind(ck1, ck2, ck3) : object 'ck1' not found", in one of the iterations and stop. Since I am not experienced in programming, can anyone give me a suggestion to inspect this error?
The followings are the functions I created :
# functions in the
2008 May 02
my first post to the list
Hello R-listers! My first post to the list is a very simple one for those
who use the software continuosly. I am trying to understand the fixed-x
resampling and random-x-resampling method proposed by Fox about
Bootstrapping. The doubt that I have is on the side of the model run in one
of the functions expressed for fixed-x resampling. What I don't understand
is: X=model.matrix, and the -1
2011 Dec 30
Break Points
Respected Sir
I tried the strucchange
My data is attached. However I tried the attached commands (last
save.txt) to perform Bai Perron 2003... I t worked well but in the end
it is giving warning that overlapping confidence interval... I am not
sure how to proceed... Please Help Me
Thanking You
Ayanendu Sanyal
Please have a look at our new mission and contribute into it (cut and
paste the
2015 Jun 15
Regresión logística
estoy intentando hacer una regresión logística entre la primera columna de
mi data.table (In.hospital_death) y otras dos (GSV y BUN) , me da el error
de abajo, he intentado eliminar las filas con valor NA por si esta función
no lo admite, pero sigue dando el mismo error. ¿Alguien sabe porqué ocurre?
(probé previamente a usar la función glm pero obtenía out of memory)
2009 Sep 09
Package that does not work until I re write the exactly the same code
Hi the list,
I am writing a package in S4 and I do not manage to understand a bug.
The "R CMD check" and the "R CMD build" both work. Here is links to the
package (not on CRAN yet for the raison that I explain bellow):
Then I install the package and I
2006 Jan 15
problems with glm
Dear R users,
I am having some problems with glm. The first is an error message "subscript out of bounds". The second is the fact that reasonable starting values are not accepted by the function.
To be more specific, here is an example:
> success <- c(13,12,11,14,14,11,13,11,12)
> failure <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2)
> predictor <- c(0,80*5^(0:7))
2009 Jul 24
Making rq and bootcov play nice
I have a quick question, and I apologize in advance if, in asking, I
expose my woeful ignorance of R and its packages. I am trying to use
the bootcov function to estimate the standard errors for some
regression quantiles using a cluster bootstrap. However, it seems that
bootcov passes arguments that rq.fit doesn't like, preventing the
command from executing. Here is an example:
2007 Jan 06
negative binomial family glm R and STATA
Dear Lister,
I am facing a strange problem fitting a GLM of the negative binomial
family. Actually, I tried to estimate theta (the scale parameter)
through glm.nb from MASS and could get convergence only relaxing the
convergence tolerance to 1e-3. With warning messages:
glm1<-glm.nb(nbcas~.,data=zonesdb4,control=glm.control(epsilon = 1e-3))
There were 25 warnings (use warnings() to see
2012 May 15
Curva dosis-respuesta
Buenos dias R-help-es,
Estoy interesado en estimar una curva dosis-respuesta para un conjunto de
datos y para ello, estoy utilizando la libreria "drm". Hasta ahi todo bien.
Me gustaria automatizar algunas cosas y el primer paso para ello es la
estimacion del modelo. Si la estimacion funciona, todo lo demas funciona;
de lo contrario, todo fallara. Tengo algunas lineas que mitigan un
2011 Oct 19
Sparse covariance estimation (via glasso) shrinking to a "nonzero" constant
I've only been using R on and off for 9 months and started using the
glasso package for sparse covariance estimation. I know the concept is
to shrink some of the elements of the covariance matrix to zero.
However, say I have a dataset that I know has some underlying
"baseline" covariance/correlation (say, a value of 0.3), how can I
change or incorporate that into to the
2002 Jun 20
Possible bug with glm.nb and starting values (PR#1695)
Full_Name: Ben Cooper
Version: 1.5.0
OS: linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
The help page for glm.nb (in MASS package) says that it takes "Any other
arguments for the glm() function except family"
One such argument is start "starting values for the parameters in the linear
However, when called with starting values glm.nb returns:
Error in
2001 Oct 12
MASS: isoMDS and sammon
If tbl is an object of class 'dist', you can do this:
a <- sammon(tbl, k=3)
But you can't do this:
b <- isoMDS(tbl, k=3)
Wouldn't it be sensible to have identical interfaces to sammon()
and isoMDS() ?
I think all that would be needed is to change this:
isoMDS <- function(d, y=cmdscale(d, 2), maxit=50, trace=TRUE)
...into this:
isoMDS <-
2005 Feb 08
Toying with neural networks
Hello all,
Ive been playing with nnet (package 'nnet') and Ive come across this
problem. nnet doesnt seems to like to have more than 1000 weights. If I
> data(iris)
> names(iris)[5] <- "species"
> net <- nnet(species ~ ., data=iris, size=124, maxit=10)
# weights: 995
initial value 309.342009
iter 10 value 21.668435
final value 21.668435
stopped after 10