Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Add columns to data frame automatically"
2009 Feb 09
Dataframes: conditional calculations per row .
Dear Sirs: I've been working with several variables in a dataframe
that serve as part of a calculation that I need to perform in a
different way depending on its value. Let me explain:
The main dataframe is called llmcc
llmcc : 'data.frame': 283 obs. of 11 variables:
$ Area : num 308.8 105.6 51.4 51.4 52.9 ...
$ mFondo : num 30.1 10 10.2 10.2 40.4 ...
$ mFachada :
2009 Feb 10
Calculating variables
Dear fellows: This is the problem: I have 5 variables A, B, C, D and E
with a range from 1 to 100 with 0.1 steps. Depending on the different
values these have, the results of the formula change:
alitemp <- ((Abase/llmcc$Clase)*PClase)+(((1/llmcc
So, alitemp (a 283 element series) changes if any of the P**
2009 Feb 10
Dataframes: conditional calculations per row [SOLVED].
> Thank you very much Jorge, Phil and David: I was finally able to
> perform the operations I needed. I changed the function in order to
> adapt it to the simplest form like the following:
> ali <- function(Abase) {
> alitemp <- ((Abase/llmcc$Clase)*PClase)+(((1/llmcc
> $Categoria)*Abase)*PCategoria)+((Abase*llmcc$Phi)*PPhi)+((Abase*llmcc
> $Rf)*PRf)
2009 Feb 15
Porcentual separation
Dear Fellows: Thanks you all for your great help. Without your
guidance I'd not have been able to get this far. So this is the
current problem: I have a series (dataframe with 1 column and 283
rows, all with numbers (no NA's) that go from 0 to 3 or 4 with up to
14 decimals. They indicate a percentage. I have to apply a formula to
that dataframe that uses 4 variables I have
2009 Nov 05
stepAIC(coxph) forward selection
Dear R-Help,
I am trying to perform forward selection on the following coxph model:
>my.bpfs <- Surv(bcox$pfsdays, bcox$pfscensor)
> b.cox <- coxph(my.bpfs ~ Cbase + Abase + Cbave + CbSD + KPS + gender +
as.factor(eor) + Age)>stepAIC(b.cox, scope=list(upper =~ Cbase + Abase +
Cbave + CbSD + KPS + gender + as.factor(eor) + Age, lower=~1), direction=
2002 Sep 20
warning in binomial analysis
I have make an analise with presence and absence, y=(1 e 0).
I have a area continuous data and a sp data with 25 levels. I have 300 points.
When I make
presenca is 0 or 1.
peso is the unit = 1.
area is the continuous data.
The analysis is OK.
When I put the sp and interactions in analysis this warning appear.
2002 Jun 20
understanding the output
Hi all,
I try to understand the output of the summary(model).
I make a simple model.
> summary(m1anova)
glm(formula = peso ~ gen)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-4.3114 -2.3788 -0.9167 2.1581 5.7856
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 4.8660 0.9808 4.961 0.000101 ***
gen2g 3.8504
2003 Oct 14
different results depending of variable position.
I make an analysis and depending of the order of the variables, the
significance change, look.
m1 <- glm((infec/ntot)~idade+sexo+peso,family=binomial,weights=ntot)
> anova(m1,test="F")
Analysis of Deviance Table
Model: binomial, link: logit
Response: (infec/ntot)
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev F Pr(>F)
2001 Nov 17
rsync hangs or exists without copying anything
I am trying to mirror a file system using rsync. The command I am using
is of the form:
rsync -a /fs/home/6/ /usr/fs/home/6
/fs/home/6/ is an NFS file system, /usr/fs/home/6 is a local disk.
With versions 2.4.6 and 2.4.7pre1, rsync hangs at random places during
the building file list phase. I tried with and without -v option(s) and
tried breaking the file system down into smaller chunks with no
2013 Dec 03
seleccionar columnas de un dataframe mediante variables
Pues este es el culpable... como soy nuevo en esto, disculpad si las
estrategias de creación de datframes, etc. son poco ortodoxas. Y por
cierto... esto del slicing con R es un poco... duro
2006 May 15
Problems with make ARCH=xen
I`m trying to install xen 3.0.2 on my Debian system!
But, the "make ARCH=xen menuconfig" don`t work!
debian:/home/peso/xen-3.0.2/xen-3.0.2/linux-2.6.16-xen0# make ARCH=xen
Makefile:439: /home/peso/xen-3.0.2/xen-3.0.2/linux-2.6.16-xen0/arch/xen/Makefile:
No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `/home/peso/xen-3.0.2/xen-3.0.2/linux-
2024 Dec 17
Colores diseño matriz
Estoy pensando en buscar la forma para explicar algo, dentro de la forma que se me ocurrió está el utilizar colores.
No importa en sí el análisis, pero supongamos que es una regresión, algo de modelos mixtos, etc.
Dentro de los datos supongamos que hay peso, lugar e individuo.
Dentro de lugar supongo que hay 3 lugares, Argentina, España e Italia.
Hay 15 individuos con su peso
2005 Nov 25
My name is Jos?? Mar??a G??mez, and I am pretty new in R. Thus, I apologize
deeply if my questions are extremmely na??ve.I have checked several
available books and URL's, without finding any answer.
I'm trying to fit Generalized Linear Mixed Models via PQL. Below I provide
the structure of my data set. Year and Plot are random variables. Fate is
the binomial dependent. I have severe
2009 Nov 11
Gr�fico xyplot
Hola a todos,
Tengo que construir un gráfico para una base de datos que tengo en el
que representar para los individuos de esta base su altura vs peso en
función de su edad.
Para ello, hay que utilizar los gráficos condicionados.
En primer lugar usé la función coplot pero cargando el paquete lattice
se pueden utilizar funciones que generan gráficos más completos, como
es el caso de la función
2015 Jun 08
columna de un data.table puede ser data.frame?
yo quiero construir un data.table donde una columna (Parametros) son
caracteres y otra el resultado de la función information.gain, que devuelve
un data.frame. El código que he usado es este, pero me da error
PesosParam <- data.table(,.(Parametros, Peso:=
information.gain(In.hospital_death~., ParamCol)))
Es posible hacer lo que digo? o debo hacer una transformación del
data.frame a
2015 Jul 21
glm com etiquetas en las variables
Si aún hay alguien que no está de vacaciones, igual me pueden ayudar.
Quiero ajustar unos modelos:
REG_LOG <- glm (low ~ X, family = "binomial", data = DATOS)
data(birthwt, package="MASS")
birthwt$low <- factor(birthwt$low)
birthwt$race <- factor(birthwt$smoke)
REG_LOG <- glm (low ~ smoke, family =
2008 Jul 01
plot window
Hi list,
I want to know how can i creat a plot window with this configuration:
| |
| PLOT 1 |
| |
| | |
| | |
| PLOT 2 | PLOT 3 |
| | |
| | |
2015 Apr 11
'Nancycats' en R
Estimado Gemma Ruiz Olalla
De curioso miré una búsqueda en internet, y se la comparto, de esta observe
la página 8
Estoy de acuerdo con Jorge y Carlos, pero por las dudas, es solo una
codificación, yo sin mirar más no interpretaría que el heterocigota tiene
un "peso" de 0.5, porque si hay sobredominancia, dominancia, etc
2024 Dec 20
Colores diseño matriz
Tienes varios ejemplos de cómo hacer esto en esta galería de gráficos,
tanto de R como de Python.
Carlos Ortega
El mar, 17 dic 2024 a las 14:38, Javier Marcuzzi (<
javier.ruben.marcuzzi en gmail.com>) escribió:
> Estimados
> Estoy pensando en buscar la forma para explicar algo, dentro de la forma
2009 Mar 06
I know the function LETTERS, but, now I have some letters to convert it in numbers, like A=1,B=2, etc... Is any function to do that?
Leandro Lins Marino
Centro de Avalia??o
Rua Santa Alexandrina, 1011 - 2? andar
Rio de Janeiro, RJ - CEP: 20261-903
R (21) 2103-9600 R.:236
( (21) 8777-7907
( leandro at cesgranrio.org.br
"Aquele que suporta o peso da