similar to: Hollander's test of bivariate symmetry

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Hollander's test of bivariate symmetry"

2008 Dec 18
understanding lexical scope
I am trying to understand the concept of lexical scope in "An Introduction to R" by the R Core development team. I'd appreciate it if someone would explain why the following example does not work: q <- function(y) {x + y}; w <- function(x){q(x)}; w(2); According to the discussion of Scope on page 46, it seems to me that R will interpret the free variable x in q as the
2009 Feb 02
executing R batch files
The following command, issued from the DOS command prompt (running Windows XP), produces the intended result of a .csv file created by program.R: ?c:\program files\R\R-2.8.0\bin\Rterm.exe? --save < "c:\TEMP\program.R" However, when I create a file called Rbatch.bat that contains exactly the line above, and try to execute it (by double clicking or via the Shell command in an Excel
2008 Dec 18
understanding recursive functions
I'm trying to understand the use of recursive functions described on page 45 of An Introduction to R by the R core development team. A function is a list of expressions, which all get executed with only the last being assigned to a global variable, right? So if a function refers recursively to itself, it should simply start with the first expression and go from there. At least that is my
2009 Jan 14
referring to calls in functions
The first program generates an error message and does not execute the regression of y on x. x<-1:10; y<-rnorm(10) + x; prac <- function( model, wghts ){ lm(model, weights = wghts) } prac(model = y~x, wghts = rep(1, 10)) But the next program works: x<-1:10; y<-rnorm(10) + x; prac <- function( y, x, wghts ){ lm(y~x,
2009 Feb 06
RExcel waiting for OLE action
When I run a macro that uses RExcel, I get a dialog box that says "Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action." There is no error in the RExcel commands in the macro, of that I am sure. The box appears to be related to the inclusion of RunRFile commands. The macro will run through the second RunRFile command, but will not execute the
2009 Oct 14
post-hoc test with kruskal.test()
Dear R users, I would like to know if there is a way in R to execute a post-hoc test (factor levels comparison, like Tukey for ANOVA) of a non-parametric analysis of variance with kruskal.test() function. I am comparing three different groups. The preliminary analysis using the kruskal-wallis-test show significance, but I still don''t know the relationship and the significance level
2009 Sep 21
Post-Hoc tests for Friedman Test?
Hi there all, This is my first post to the list and I'll first say a few things: - R is great! - The archives of this list have helped me solve all of my problems/questions so far - I only know enough statistics "to be dangerous" I'm looking for a way to do post-hoc tests for the Friedman test. I have a dataset from a within-subjects design with 5 conditions where some of
2011 Jan 19
how to get old packages to work on R 2.12.1
I just installed R 2.12.1, and when I went to run a few old programs with it, nothing worked. I got a ton of error messages saying such and such package was built before R 2.10.0 and needed to be reinstalled. These were not just warning messages, but error messages that prevent the programs from running when they were running just fine with R 2.10.1 For some of those packages, such as deSolve, I
2019 Feb 04
Ayuda con calculo de variables / transponer R
Buenas tardes, tengo dudas con el siguiente ejercicio que me han propuesto en un curso, no se si alguien podria indicarme como abordarlo, soy nueva en R y agradezco mucho su ayuda Identi car cuales son las variables que están contenidas en el data.frame. A continuación, transformar ese data.frame para que cada columna represente cada una de las variables. Usar los nombres Date, District y N.
2012 Nov 09
Installing Java 7 on a system with Java 6
My system is 5.6, with upgrades. I installed Java 6 from the Centos repository. It doesn't seem to have Java 7. I need the development package. How can I install Java 7 development safely? I imagine I will first have to uninstall Java 6. Thanks, John -- John J. Boyer; President, Chief Software Developer Abilitiessoft, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin USA Developing
2010 Feb 02
Recommendations on nonparametric statistical inference textbooks
Could somebody recommend some good nonparametric statistical inference textbooks for a beginner? And what are pros and cons of each book? Nonparametric statistical methods by Hollander seems to be more difficult for a beginner, but is great as a reference, right? Are there any books that are easier to learn than Hollander's? Also, I see some books in the wiki page. I don't find the
2011 Jul 07
Changing Host Name
Thanks to all of you who are answering my dumb questions about my new CentOS instgallation. I modified /etc/hosts, as the hostname man page seemed to suggest, and rebooted. The hostname is still localhost. I want to change it to jjb-centos. I also want to change the domain name to Thanks, John -- John J. Boyer; President, Chief Software Developer Abilitiessoft, Inc.
2011 May 20
Variability plot in R
Is there a package in R that can do a variability plot? A variability plot is a kind of categorized dot plot. (If there is a lot of data in each category, box plots are used rather than dot plots.) Usually, the categories are factor level combinations. All the dot plots appear in the same window; below the x-axis a hierarchy of factors shows which dot plot corresponds to which factor-level
2000 Oct 06
quasi-symmetry loglinear models
Hi All, I'm trying to implement a quasi symmetry model for data on twin pairs. A crosstabulation of twin 1 by twin 2 (assumed symmetrical) stratified by another variable. There is a good paper on this by Phil (?) McCloud and Darroch in Biometrika (1995) which explains the method, but I've not done this before so am not clear how to code these models. Any help would be greatly
2011 Jun 27
How do I Install and activate?
I have just installed CentOS 5.6 from disk and updated it. 1. I would like to use telnet on my local network. How do I activate it? 2. How do I install Mercurial? it is not in the repository. 3. How do I install eclipse? It is also not in the repository. Thanks, John -- John J. Boyer; President, Chief Software Developer Abilitiessoft, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin USA
2011 Jul 15
What package contains ifconfig?
I don't have ifconfig on my new installation of CentOS 5.6, but it is on my server in the cloud. What package contains it? Thanks, John -- John J. Boyer; President, Chief Software Developer Abilitiessoft, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin USA Developing software for people with disabilities
2019 Feb 16
Duda error sintaxis
Buenas tardes chicos, estoy intentando hacer un gráfico que resuma para cada dia de la semana la información de algunos distritos específicos de los que contiene mi variable, ejecuto esta sintaxis pero me da un error Error: Mapping should be created with `aes() or `aes_()`. Alguien me puede orientar sobre que estoy haciendo mal, llevo mucho rato atascada. Muchas gracias df_nuevofinal %>%
2011 Jul 08
More on CentOS autotools bug
Below is a repost of the message I sent about the strange error message I was getting when trying to build my project on CentOS. I am a software developer and don't have time to compare distros. I am also not an autotools expert. The autotools files in my project were lmade by others. It builds on everything except CentOS. I also don't have the time to build a simple test case. That
2001 Oct 26
ks.test (PR#1004)
The note to 1004 says "fixed for 1.3.1" Uh. No. It ain't. The problem was more serious than guessed as even the simplest testing would show. For example, Example 5.4 in Hollander and Wolfe (Nonparametric Statistical, Methods, 2nd ed., Wiley, 1999, pp. 180-181) R Version 1.3.1 (SuSE Linux 7.1) > X <-
2011 May 16
Problem Making Tarballs
I have a CentOS virtual private server from If I checkout or pull something from a repository, it will contain an file Running this and then configure seems to work. However, when I run make I get a lot of error messages from libtool saying that such and such a command could not be found on some line or that there is a syntax error. This happens even with the latest