Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "plotting the result of a nonlinear regression"
2009 Feb 03
non linear regression with nls
I'm a beginner with R and it's the first time I'm using the R-help list... I hope I'm in the right place, if not:
I need to do non linear regressions on a data set which columns are:
"river.name" "Portata" "PTG.P" "PO4.P" "NT.N" "NH4.N" "NO3.N" "BOD5" "SiO2"
2009 Feb 10
summary of a list
I'm using the following for loop to find regression curves using a list of functions (formList), a list of starting
values (startList), uppervalues (upperList) and lower values (lowerList).
A sample of the list of function I use in the loop is the following:
FormList <- list(PTG.P ~ fz1(Portata, a, b), PTG.P ~ fz2(Portata, a, b), PTG.P ~ fz3(Portata,a, b, d, e),
2009 Feb 13
odfWeave & prettyR
I've been trying to use odfWeave and prettyR packages to create documents with both text and graphs, but so far I
haven't been very lucky...
With the function R2html () in prettyR package, when I try to use a source file, which works perfectly if I run it
directly form R using "source("file")",
it works for the first part and then it makes a mess, i guess
2008 Nov 21
list creation interpolation
Hello all,
I apologize if this is simple or has already been answered somewhere, but
I'm not sure what to search for although I have tried and didn't come up
with anything so.. Here's my question.
How can I interpolate list names or do I have to do it post list creation.
Since that's not very clear here is some sample code of what I wanted to do:
2011 Apr 29
Analysis and graphics by groups
This is my first post in this e-mail list and I hope it's enough to justify
calling for help. In case it's not, sorry.
I'm trying to do analysis and graphics using a factor as a criteria to split
data and do the analysis/graphics for each subset of data.
Right now what I'm trying to do is to fit and plot the following logistic
model, according to a third variable named
2010 Jan 26
zfs root pool on upgraded host
I installed opensolaris on a x2200 m2 with two internal drives that had
an existing root pool with a Solaris 10 update 6. After installing
opensolaris 2009.06 the host refused to boot. The opensolaris install
was fine. I had to pull the second hard drive to get the host to boot.
Then insert the second drive and relabel the old root pool to something
other than rpool. Then the host was
2009 Feb 20
I tried to turn lists into vectors and then bind them together in order to create a dataframe but if, after this, I
try to use the function write.table I get the following error message:
Error in write.table(x, file, nrow(x), p, rnames, sep, eol, na, dec, as.integer(quote), :
'list' type not implemented in 'EncodeElement'
Here is what I've done:
2008 Mar 13
Using loop numbers in write.csv
This is a question I have wanted to ask for a while but hesitated
because I was sut sure I would find the answer on my own, but as of
yet...no dice.
1) Is there a way to use the loop number in naming things in R.
Specifically I have a simulation that has two loops. I would like to
be able to write out the results to a csv file after each iteration.
something like:
for (i in 1:10){
2009 Sep 18
lapply - value changes as parameters to function?
I'm trying to get better at things like lapply but it still stumps
me. I have a function I've written, tested and debugged using
individual calls to the function, ala:
ResultList5 = DoAvgCalcs(IndexData, Lookback=5,
SampleSize=TestSamples , Iterations=TestIterations )
ResultList8 = DoAvgCalcs(IndexData, Lookback=8,
SampleSize=TestSamples , Iterations=TestIterations )
2009 Jan 17
DierckxSpline segfault
I've just encountered a segfault when using DierckxSpline::percur
function. Below is the minimal example which triggers the error:
x <- 1:10
y <- rep(0, 10)
pspline <- percur(x, y)
*** caught segfault ***
address (nil), cause 'memory not mapped'
1: .Fortran("percur", iopt = as.integer(iopt), m = as.integer(m),
x =
2007 Oct 11
I have a view which have 2 radio buttons :
<td style="width:5%">Actuel</td>
<td style="width:10%"><%= radio_button_tag(:actuel, value = "1", checked
= false, options = {}) %>
<td style="width:5%">Last</td>
<td style="width:10%"><%= radio_button_tag(:last, value = "1", checked =
2008 Jun 24
loop with files
I'm trying to make a loop with many files...
> library(dplR)
> files <- system("ls *.rwl", intern=TRUE)
> files
[1] "cimfasy.rwl" "rocquce.rwl"
> for (i in files) {a <- read.rwl(i,header=0)}
There are 70 series
There are 21 series
> class(a)
[1] "data.frame"
This loop import all the files rwl in a single data.frame ( a
2008 Jul 07
Functional Data Analysis, fda_1.2.4
Hi, All:
Version 1.2.4 of the Functional Data Analysis (fda) package is now
available on CRAN. In this version, both 'smooth.basis' and
'smooth.basisPar' have been modified to make them easier to use. They
have more useful defaults and they return an object of class
'fdSmooth', with methods for 'plot', 'lines', and 'plotfit'. In
2008 Jul 07
Functional Data Analysis, fda_1.2.4
Hi, All:
Version 1.2.4 of the Functional Data Analysis (fda) package is now
available on CRAN. In this version, both 'smooth.basis' and
'smooth.basisPar' have been modified to make them easier to use. They
have more useful defaults and they return an object of class
'fdSmooth', with methods for 'plot', 'lines', and 'plotfit'. In
1997 Aug 25
R-alpha: `missing' BB functions
Here are the functions documented in the Blue Book that I found missing
in R (ignoring the ones which are obviously outdated).
aggregate allocated amatch axes chull clorder cutree cycle date
debugger dget discr faces interp l1fit labclust lag loglin
monthplot mstree mulbar napsack odometer persp plclust plotfit
rep.int restore rreg sabl sablplot set.seed smooth sort.list
Stable stars
2006 Mar 02
Custom SQL Question
can search with following SQL Statement:
def execute_search
@result = Search.find_by_sql ["SELECT * FROM customers WHERE
firstname LIKE ? LIMIT 10",params[:firstname]]
render :template => "search/resultlist", :layout => false
My question is, how do I use 2 or more Parameters - and with the "%"? (I
Like to use SQL-Statements because
2009 Feb 11
plots and text to the same output file
I would like to save different plots and some text (like summaries, AIC, ...) on the same file.
I've read the e-mails entitled "Output results to a single postscript document" written some days ago and I've tried
to use the function odfInsertPlot() in the package "odfWeave" but it doesn't work on my computer (I've seen that
odfWeave package depends on
2010 Jun 03
cumsum function with data frame
Dear list,
I have a problem with the cumsum function.
I have a data frame like the following one
variable Year value
EC01 2005 5
EC01 2006 10
AAO1 2005 2
AAO1 2006 4
what I would like to obtain is
variable Year value cumsum
EC01 2005 5 5
2008 Oct 05
efficient use of lm over a matrix vs. using apply over rows
I have a large matrix, each row of which needs lm applied. I am certain than
I read an article in R-news about this within the last year or two that
discussed the application of lm to matrices but I'll be darned if I can find
it with Google. Probably using the wrong search terms.
Can someone steer me to this article of just tell me if this is possible
and, if so, how to do it? My simplistic
2005 Dec 21
Who/What is making my field backgrounds yellow?
On *certain* fields in my rails forms the backgrounds are yellow. If I
check the page source there is no clue as to why. However, if I *save*
the page to disk and then open it in a text editor I can see that the
affected fields are like:
<input style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 160);"
id="contact_first_name" name="contact[first_name]"