Here are the functions documented in the Blue Book that I found missing in R (ignoring the ones which are obviously outdated). aggregate allocated amatch axes chull clorder cutree cycle date debugger dget discr faces interp l1fit labclust lag loglin monthplot mstree mulbar napsack odometer persp plclust plotfit restore rreg sabl sablplot set.seed smooth sort.list Stable stars starsymb storage subtree symbols tempfile tslines tsmatrix tsplot tspoints twoway unlink usa xor In some detail: aggregate cycle lag smooth tslines tsmatrix tsplot tspoints: Obviously useful for time series. Andreas has a quick version of lag() ... allocated storage: Something to display the current memory consumption (other than as a byproduct of calling gc() would be nice ... amatch axes: Seems to be the same as title() except for axes = T and F, resp. R currently does not have this extra arg. chull clorder(?) cutree discr faces(?) labclust(?) mstree(?) plclust stars subtree: These are already (sort of) in the full version of `mva' as (still?) planned by Ross (question marks indicate the ones not mentioned explicitly) date: If we'd want this, we could add date <- function() system("date") to work under UNIX, at least debugger dget loglin: Would this be useful? It should not be too hard to write something around AS 51 ... Should that be compatible with the S version? interp l1fit rreg: These would certainly be nice as workhorses, but shouldn't L1 and robust fitting of linear models be specifyable at the model level? monthplot sabl sablplot mulbar: Would be nice to have, in particular in connection with Mosaic plots ... napsack odometer persp: This is already in "3D GRAPHICS" of PROJECTS. plotfit twoway: Outdated? restore: Should be the opposite of dump() ... In R, can we simply use source()? set.seed: Martin, do you have a version of that for R? sort.list Stable: Jim Lindsey <> wrote that he has d and p function for the four-parameter stable family, perhaps we should include this. starsymb symbols tempfile: Would be very useful, although I'd prefer it to be called `tmpfile' instead. I am not sure if tmpfile() is ANSI C. If so, we could simply wrap around it, as Fritz posted some time ago. unlink: We most likely don't need this one, right? usa: Would be nice, of course ... xor: Is trivial and useful. Could we add xor <- function(x, y) { (x | y) & !(x & y) } to the distribution? -k =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- r-devel mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-