Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Using Rscript"
2008 Dec 12
Extracting the name of an object into a character string and vice versa
I am still struggling to map a character string to an object name and
vice versa in R.
I thought the as.name() function might work, but observe the following
behaviour ...
> attach(warpbreaks)
> levels(tension)
[1] "L" "M" "H"
> levels(as.name("tension"))
> objectname<-as.name("tension")
> objectname
2010 Jul 16
Packages built before R 2.10.0
Dear list,
I am running R2.11.1 on 32 bit windows. I am receiving messages as
follows ...
> require(car)
Loading required package: car
Error: package 'car' was built before R 2.10.0: please re-install it
The package kohonen was another example.
This failure appears to be fatal and not only affects the package
concerned, but also all its dependents.
Is there anything I can do at my
2009 Apr 02
Dear List,
No doubt I am going around this the wrong way, and hopefully one of you
will be able to tell me how to go about it the right way.
I want to change the names of an object inside a function and have it
stay changed in the global environment. I can only
effect the change inside the function as follows ...
2008 Dec 01
Coercing a list of variables in a function call
This is hopefully a trivial problem for list subscribers, but I am very
new to writing R functions.
I wish to call an R function written by myself from another program to
fit a model. I need
to tell it which of the independent variables are factors. I need to do
this in a generic way,
so that when the list is passed, R will work through the variables in
the data frame and coerce them into being
2008 Dec 11
Extracting the name of an object into a character string
Dear List,
I am writing a function in R with the facility to store models for later
use in scoring.
It would be very useful if I could include in the name of the file
stored the name of
the model object being stored, this name being chosen by the user in the
call. A simple function to store the name of an object as a character
string would fit the
bill, but I have not found one. name()
2010 Mar 16
Ensembles in cforest
Dear List,
I'm trying to find a way to extract the individual conditional inference
trees from cforest ( a modelling function in the party package) in a
manner analogous to
getTree in randomForest and I'm struggling. I can see that the
information is held within the ensemble list, but haven't been able to
work out how this sequence
of nested lists is structured or if any of the items
2008 Nov 06
Queries about step() and stepAIC()
I have been learning how to use these functions and would like to know
the following as
I have so far been unable to find the answers in the documentation.
1) What stopping rules are used ?
2) Can the stopping rules be changed?
3) Can the results of each step be stored as objects in R and if so how
4) Is there a worked example somewhere of using the keep= argument ?
Many thanks in
2005 Mar 14
Voicemail SMS Alert - Possible?
I need to be able to send an sms alert to one's mobile/cell phone. For
instance, when I receive a voicemail message in my inbox, I also want to
be able to get a message on my cell phone alerting me of this e-mail. How
possible is this? And if it is, what do I need to do to get the service up
and running?
Ideas are most welcome.
2005 Mar 24
* -> SMS w/out PSTN
Hi all
I have been googling and wiki-ing and have found a number of potential
solutions to my questions, but I don't want to have to play about for too
long and risk messing up my * box now I've just got it working, if one of
you kind folk could offer your 2 penneth, (being a Brit I'll have none of
this cents business ;] ).
I want to send an SMS message whenever I get a voicemail
2005 Sep 09
CUPS username case wrong from Windows 98 client
I have a problem getting Windows 98 clients printing to CUPS printers
where I have the printer access allowed/denied by username. It appears
that samba is passing the username in uppercase to CUPS as the owner of
the printjob and then CUPS does not recognise that username and rejects
the job. It all works under Windows NT/XP.
I am running samba 3.0.20 and cups 1.1.23. The smb.conf file is below
2012 May 31
RScript.exe and map directory issue
I'm trying to run on Windows 7 a scriptfile with Rscript.exe from within
Excel 2010 with the following code:
Call Shell(rPath & "\Rscript.exe C:\Work\Latest\_Test.R", vbHide)
The good news is: the above code works perfectly, but ...
If I add white spaces to my map directory, like:
Call Shell(rPath & "\Rscript.exe C:\Work\Latest 1\_Test.R", vbHide)
In the
2005 Feb 28
New SMS gateway command
I thought it might be of interest to the group to pass on information about
a replacement SMS command we have developed for sending text messages from
The FASTSMS command will route text messages to mobile phones in 154
countries. Applications include voicemail notifications, missed call alerts,
automated text receipts for callers (e.g. call reference number), system
alerts, etc, etc.
2008 Feb 15
Joining a Windows XP pc to Samba / LDAP domain
Hi, guys,
I'm trying to create a PDC using Samba with an LDAP backend. According
to all the guides I read, this should be fairly easy really, but I've
done nothing else for the last week and it still doesn't work the way
the manual says it should! As far as I can see, everything is set up and
working correctly right up to the point when I try and join a machine to
the domain.
2009 Aug 05
exec subdirectory of a package
WRE contains the following information about the "exec" subdirectory of
a package :
"Subdirectory exec could contain additional executables the package
needs, typically scripts for interpreters such as the shell, Perl, or
Tcl. This mechanism is currently used only by a very few packages, and
still experimental."
I think it would be useful to expand "very
2003 Feb 19
Help in separate window under X11
Dear R users,
Is there the possibitily in R under X11 to get (after typing help(...)
command) separate help window, as it is in Windows version?
Best wishes,
Dr. Alexey B. Shipunov
Section of Molecular Systematics
Jodrell Laboratory
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3DS, U.K.
e-mail: a.shipunov at rbgkew.org.uk
2010 Feb 12
Moving PDC from Fedora to RHEL5 - _net_auth2: creds_server_check failed. Rejecting auth request from client
I'm in need of some help with moving a Samba PDC with LDAP backend from
Fedora linux to RHEL. The DNS is also running on that server and needs
to be moved also. The DNS and LDAP migration was simple enough. The new
server works just fine when using it's own DNS and LDAP for
authentication, and all the users appear to be intact after the LDAP
import. nss_ldap is working just fine.
2011 Feb 01
Scatterplot Question
I have some data where a number of events (the total amount varies)
occur at cumulating times, I would like to create a scatterplot
(easily achieved using plot etc) of these events (the events can
either be times using poxist or I can convert them into just seconds
which is probably easier to work with), however I would like the
events/times to re-begin plotting every 10th occurrence and
2006 Dec 12
how do you interpolate a gaussian grid to a standard 2.5 degree grid?
Dear R-help community,
I have looked on the R search site and archives but cannot find mention of a way
of interpolating a gaussian distribution of data to a standard 2.5 degree grid.
I have two global dataset and I need to correlate - unfortunately one is a 2.5
degree grid dim[longitude=144,latitude=72] and one is gaussian
I would rally appreciate hearing
2007 Mar 16
Problem installing R onto Solaris 2.10 system - need advice!!!!!
Dear R-Help friends,
I am unable to get the latest version of R (2.4.1) to compile on my solaris 10
system - has anybody else experienced this problem and are you able to offer me
any advice?
I appreciate your time, many thanks,
Jenny Barnes
Here are my CURRENT specifications:
platform sparc-sun-solaris2.10
arch sparc
os solaris2.10
2005 Jun 03
plots from batchfile on windows
On windows I'd like to run a batchfile that leaves me a plot. As a
test I have the scriptfile "test.r" which only contains:
x <- 1:10;
y <- sample( 10 )
plot( x, y )
Now I tried the following (but nothing worked):
a) "R --vanilla < test.r" in the cmd window, => that doesn't give me a plot
b) the same, but I added